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通过用心的原创视频,每天为您推送新鲜、有趣、有用的特斯拉、新能源汽车那些事 大家好,欢迎来到【特来电】YouTube频

设置自定义锁车声无效的处理方法 How to handle the invalid setting of custom car lock sound 赛博皮卡国内巡回展 Cybertruck Domestic Tour Exhibition 如何快速接收的ota升级信息,实测有效 How to quickly receive ota upgrade information, effective in actual testing 特斯拉即将更新,车机功能越来越入乡随俗了 Car and machine functions are becoming more and more like local customs 新提的特斯拉鸥翼门,总感觉哪里不对 Always feel like something is wrong 特斯拉屏幕反光你们碰到过么? you ever encountered screen reflection? 东北冬天开电车没问题,续航正常体验很好! he battery life is normal and the experience is very good! 特斯拉最新OTA累计时间多久会清零 How long will it take for the accumulated time of Tesla’s latest OTA to be cleared 哨兵模式这样设置,既省心又省电 Sentry mode is set up in this way to save worry and power. 特斯拉冬季用车之踩坑😂 Tesla’s winter car pitfalls 最新突破特斯拉SX成功自动辅助驾驶,免打扰离手驾驶 Autonomous driving assistance 开特斯拉的5种狠人行为 5 cruel behaviors when driving a Tesla 这样按f进入载具是不是很有趣 Isn’t it interesting to press f to enter the vehicle? 无框车门下雨天的正确打开方式 The correct way to open frameless car doors on rainy days 紧急避险展示 emergency evacuation display 第一次体验到了主动安全避险 For the first time, I experienced active safety avoidance. 特斯拉方向盘小功能你都知道怎么用吗?Do you know how to use the small functions of the steering wheel? 秀一下升级后的3 D你的特斯拉 Show off your upgraded 3D Tesla 特斯拉冬季出行小妙招,你学会了吗?Have you learned these tips for traveling in winter? 超实用的便利进出功能!你还不知道吗?Super practical convenient entry and exit function! 车内有人,如何“熄火”断电! Let brothers reject excuses 小妙招可以加快OTA Tips to speed up OTA 冬季电车这样的能耗可以接受吗?Is this energy consumption acceptable? 特斯拉3种空调模式的用途和区别 The uses and differences of Tesla’s three air conditioning modes 冬季特斯拉如何快速充电 How to quickly charge your Tesla in winter 特斯拉原来还能赚零花钱 Tesla can still make pocket money 建议阿姨远离绿牌车,我们别的不多摄像头特多 There aren’t many other cameras, but there are too many. 大妈这辈子都没想到为啥车屁股上还会有摄像头!Why is there a camera on the butt of the car? 原来能共享充电赚钱 It turns out you can make money by sharing charging 无感上车如何正确设置 How to correctly set up the no-sense boarding system 怎么开了动能回收不减速啊? Why doesn't it slow down when kinetic energy recovery is turned on? 这事,马斯克也没辙 Musk has nothing to do with this matter. 特斯拉ota升级后语音交互好不好用? Is voice interaction easy to use after the Tesla ota upgrade? 特斯拉锁车默认声音是哪个 What is the default sound when Tesla locks the car? 特斯拉辅助驾驶安全吗,一定要注意手扶方向盘 Be sure to keep your hands on the steering wheel 纯视觉方案真的比雷达方案更优秀吗?Is it really better than the radar solution? 这样设置,危险时刻还能拉你一把 This setting can help you in times of danger. 特斯拉充电冒白烟怎么回事?要换车了?Why is Tesla emitting white smoke while charging? 买了特斯拉之后,生活有什么变化 How has your life changed after buying a Tesla? 黄河路体验自动盲点摄像头 Huanghe Road Experience Automatic Blind Spot Camera 后视镜冻住了千万别硬掰,雪天行驶这些注意事项一定要知道 If the rearview mirror is frozen, don't break it by force. 你们都是怎么午休的呢?How do you take your lunch break? Ap使用报错,别急我教你如何解决 There is an error when using the Ap. Don’t worry, I will teach you how to solve it 奥迪RS7 VS 特斯拉Model X,结局是怎样?Audi RS7 VS Tesla Model X 下雨天能不能在室外充电? Can I charge it outdoors on a rainy day? 果然高速定速100最省电! Sure enough, high-speed fixed speed 100 is the most energy-saving! 祝大家电池永远健康! I wish you all good battery health! 行驶过程中遇到黑屏怎么解决?How to solve the problem of black screen while driving?