Jordan's art is an invitation to explore the miracle of what is.
He playfully points to an ever-present freedom to simply be as you are.
He invites relaxation into the wholeness that life already is.
He invites you to discover your own natural flow as you drift among reality's numberless flavors and modes.
He invites a noticing that all expressions of reality are already the astonishing juiciness and fullness of what is.
Jordan's message includes and affirms all of existence as pure poetry.
He invites total acceptance of what is, while also fully affirming each being's natural impulse to blossom into their unique capacities to create beauty and share love.
He treasures the world just as it is, while also affirming the heart's calling to pass on a more nourishing world to our grandchildren.
Jordan fuses practical wisdom with a willingness to evoke the ineffable subtleties of experience.
He is a dad, husband, writer, artist, & space-holder. He loves you.