What is Awakening Together?
Awakening Together is a universal assembly of peers dedicated to recognizing and embracing universal wisdom regardless of the form in which it appears. We are also dedicated to recognizing the ways we deny universal wisdom by adopting personal beliefs and biases. We want to recognize these limitations so we can free ourselves from them and open to the continuous flow of universal wisdom.
This Channel is dedicated to our purpose, values, and dedication to Truth and realization of the One Self.
Our Purpose:
We are an assembly of equals joined in common purpose: Awakening to one true Self. Within an appearance of many faiths, many cultures and many symbols, we seek to discern one truth and to rest in its embrace.
Our Core Values:
1. We trust everyone is led by unique inner guidance to one experience, called awakening, which is realization of one true Self. We live this value by supporting one another on different paths of awakening.