This Channel is focused around 3 tenets: Creation, Customization & Innovation.
1. Creation will very often take the form of DIY in all its forms, whether it be a project on the house or crafting something from scratch.
2. Customization will leverage the concept of making something fit within your domain. Very often, great things have been made, but lack a certain something to make it feel like your own.
3. Innovation is focused not so much on our channel bringing life to something new, but showing that it exists so that maybe it may impact your life in a meaningful way.
Above all, this channel is a forum meant for fun exploration in something new or a shared passion; either by the channel, the audience or both. This channel was created as a way to pay-it-forward, based on the inspiration derived from so many other content creators. I hope that you too are inspired to create, customize and share with all those you know.