This is beginning with all my documentation for marching band documentation for film documentation for music , documentation for Motor and documentation for photography ...because like this all documentation not always they recorded and publish in daily us but sometime they need to flash back the vent they make and surprise my channel recorded for them .maybe net allwhat people need in my documentation will be feed back to their creation.
ok my nam R Yulianto soerosobecause indonsia change speloing of word so my name julianto become Yulianto so if you found in my page is sameith my name Yulianto hahaha sorry i an rather confuse for it but in my civilcard name shange to R Yulianto Soeroso ...R is abbreviate from raden is a nickname when someone is still a descendant of ancient kings ha old title . iam graduate from Institute technology Bandung in major in Astronomical study for radio-astronomy and photoelectric .thats why i like to make document just for fun MJ01jx8