Welcome to BOERhier Media, showcasing agriculture in South Africa.
Our team captures the latest happenings by attending expos, media events, and auctions.
We provide practical farming ideas, statistics, and inspiration to farmers. We offer a platform for businesses to advertise, announce events, share info and discuss industry-related topics. Our free communication tool is available in Afrikaans and English.
Advertise with us at:
Cell: 073 895 6392
WhatsApp: 071 704 6282
Email: lizelle@boerhier.co.za
Visit our website:
BOERhier - www.boerhier.co.za/
FARMhere - www.boerhier.co.za/en/
Follow us on social media:
- BOERhier Page - www.facebook.com/BOERhier/?_rdc=2&_rdr
- BOERhier Group
- FARMhere Page - www.facebook.com/FARMhere.rightnow/?_rdc=2&_rd…
- BOERhier Veilings / Auctions
- BOERhier - www.instagram.com/boerhier/
- FARMhere - www.instagram.com/farmhere/
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