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Steve Reviews

568K subscribers - no pronouns set

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Steve Reviews
11 months ago - 932 likes

Seeing some mixed comments on the Wendell and Wild video, so out of curiousity, did the film meet up to your expecations?

Steve Reviews
1 year ago - 4.8K likes

Looks like the Puss in Boots review has been manually claimed for Copyright Infringement. Only on Youtube could you praise a film and tell people to go watch it, whilst also being told you're stealing from the film itself. I am disputing this, but it will remain hidden by Youtube for the time being. Typical as the vid was performing really well....

Steve Reviews
1 year ago - 958 likes

Out of curiosity, which of Tim Burton's stop-motion films did you guys prefer?

Steve Reviews
3 years ago - 4K likes

Hey guys! I have an odd request.
I know I don't make a lot of these posts, but I'm currently in the editing phase of the next review and I just came up with this idea for it; Without giving too much away, I want you guys to submit me an animated scene that you've done yourself, doesn't have to be anything specific, can be from a previous piece of work, just a scene that's funny, whatever you want to do!
Only requirement is that it's no longer than 10 seconds long, and I need it by Friday. I know this is a random and sudden ask, and I'm not even sure if anyone will be able to do it. But if you do manage, please send me the link through my email address, and I'll try to have it incorporated into the next review, with full credit given of course. :)
Many thanks!

Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 3.3K likes

Hey guys!

Next review has been uploaded as unlisted and will be live tomorrow! (Providing it receives no Copyright Strikes in the next 24 hours)

Also tomorrow, for anyone in the UK. I will be at the London Comic Con dressed as my discount home-made Ash Ketchum, so feel free to come along and say hi! You will know it's me as I guarantee I will be the only Ash Ketchum sporting an Umbro logo on my blue jacket.

Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 2.8K likes

So earlier this week I received an email from Youtube notifying me that Warner Bros have not only taken down my Dexter's Laboratory review, but have also given my channel a Copyright Strike. This is a lot more serious than the usual claims I have to deal with as more of these strikes could lead to termination of the channel. I am confident that the video fell within the parameters of Fair Use and critique, so will do what I can to try to get the video back up and have this strike removed. However, this would mean making a counter-claim, which can quickly dive into serious legal territory, territory I want to tread carefully in. So for now, I'm going to try to seek advice from other sources who have dealt with this before, and try to get as much information as I can on where I stand before charging into battle. Definitely added stress that I didn't need on top of things, but hey, that's Youtube I guess...

Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 3K likes

Hey guys!

Coraline part 2 is now complete and is currently sitting as unlisted, providing no strikes occur (fingers crossed), expect to see it live this weekend! What a faff and a half this has been....

Also this weekend I'm going to be at the Insomnia Gaming Festival in Birmingham, so if any of you are about, feel free to drop me a message, or follow my twitter for the latest updates!

Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 1.5K likes

Hey guys!

Well suffice to say the Coraline review has been completed and has been ready for upload the past few days. Unfortunately the Youtube Copyright system has been absolutely relentless with the strikes on this one, to the point that I've had a 6 second movie clip, followed by a 20 second still image where I talk about a the scene, and the Copyright system flags it as a 26 second clip. Absolute madness!

I've even tried tricks such as reducing the footage size on screen and flipping the image, but to no avail. The ingenious Copyright system sees all! And to make matters worse, it's not just a typical domenetisation strike, but one of those strikes that blocks the video from being seen at all, so even if I wanted to put it up without ads, Youtube simply won't let me.

With my back against the wall, I'm left with the last resort which is to dispute the claim, and hope that someone human being on the other end will recognise the insanity of the automated system, and give the review the green light. Sadly though, this process can take up to 30 days, and from my previous experience, this is something that doesn't get resolved fast.

So as you can guess, this means that the Coraline review won't be going up this weekend, but you can sure as hell bet I'm going to fight tooth and claw to get it up asap.

Obviously with all the sad times of our little dog passing away, this is really not something I needed. But hey, that's just the way it works I guess.

Tomorrow I'll be immediately starting work on the next review, which I hope to get out with much less hassle. Will keep you guys updated with the latest happenings.

But until then, I hope you all have a great day!


Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 213 likes

Q&A Vid is now up! Thank you to all of those who submitted a question, sorry if I couldn't get to answer it, as there were a lot to get through. Think for the future we'll do a livestream instead, that way we can fit a lot more questions in without having to worry about the video length.

Steve Reviews
4 years ago - 1.1K likes

Hey guys. Thank you so much for your patience, Q&A video will be going up tomorrow! Along with a good ol face reveal too. This could be my most disturbing vid yet...