in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Legal English Unlocked 🔓=> "New Words".
Confused by legal terms ? We've got you covered.
Today, let's learn about useful and easy word from legal English. The word is "Grounds".
The word means your legal reason for starting legal action in court.
For example, I advise my client to sue you on the grounds of breach of contract.
I have advised my client she has grounds to sue the hospital for 50,000 pounds in the grounds of medical negligence.
Key Vocabulary: Grounds, sue, legal
P.S: Don’t forget to subscribe!
YouTube: Lawpop Cambridge
Instagram: @cambridgelawstudio
#internationallawyers #sue #grounds #legal
#legalenglish #lawyerscourse #lawyerslifelessons #internetionallaw #runonabank #loseconfidence #withdraw
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The McGill Institute of Air & Space Law Information Session on its 73th years anniversary (16.12.2024 ) was extremely informative.
Here are three programs that they offer:
· LLM in Air and Sapce law.
· Graduate Program
For more information about the Institute, please contact and I will share the brochure with you!
#SpaceLaw #SpaceLawyer #UzayHukuku #КосмическоеПраво #McGillUniversity #tobbuyumuzayhukukukomisyonu #UNOOSA #KosmosKanuny #AdvocateMaral #IASL #AirandSpaceLaw #ICAO #воздушнокосммческоеправо #космическоеправо #международноеправо #адвокат #воздушноеправо #авиация #Canada 🇨🇦 #spacelawyers
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Hello international lawyers and curious ones.
Today we share with you another expression— Overdraft.
In business, it is a situation in which the bank allows the business credit by allowing the "balance" of the bank account to go below zero.
For example, a small business may be allowed a negative bank balance of 2000 pounds.
We describe this situation as being "in the red".
You take the first follow button, go visiting our website, choose the suitable course option, and Bob's your uncle!
#legalenglish #CLS #overdraft #beinginred
#bankbalance #SQE #TOLES #thestyleofcontracts #Uklegalsystem #commonlaw #americanlaw #britishlaw #Barexam
#internationallawyers #americanbarassociation
#legalenglish #lawyerscourse #lawyerslifelessons #internetionallaw
#hukukingilizcesi #Cambridge #GirtonCollege
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Happy Sunday!
Let's learn something new while scrolling on Internet.
Today's expression is "Notwithstanding the foregoing"
It is a common start to a sentence in many contracts. Notwithstanding means despite, and the forgoing means what was written previously.
For example: I hate eating fruit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I eat a banana every day because my doctor told me to.
Use it in your contracts! Join our classes for more.
You are welcome 😊
P.S: Don’t forget to subscribe!
YouTube: LawPop Cambridge
Instagram: @cambridgelawstudio
#legalenglish #CLS #contractlaw #notwithstanding
#thestyleofcontracts #Uklegalsystem #commonlaw #notwithstandingtheforegoing #contracts #contractvocabulary
#vocabulary #internationallawyers #internationallawyers
#legalenglish #lawyerscourse #lawyerslifelessons #internetionallaw
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Happy Saturday!!
I’m grateful for the opportunity to attend the insightful webinar featuring Dr. Nigam Shah, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, and Chief Data Scientist for Stanford Health Care (21.11.2024). The discussion on the transformative role of AI in healthcare, particularly around developing fair, useful, and reliable AI models, was incredibly enlightening. The right future of AI in healthcare may improve patient outcomes. I'm so excited!
#AIinHealthcare #Stanford #ArtificialIntelligence #HealthcareInnovation #MedicalAI #AdvocateMaral
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Confused by legal terms ? We've got you covered.
Let's learn together!
Today's word is "mortgage" "It is Legal Mortgage, not mortgage loan! 😁
🗝️"In English, we use the word "mortgage" in two ways.
1. As security on real estate, it is a "legal mortgage"
2. We also call the money a person borrows to buy real estate a "mortgage loan"
When a lawyer says mortgage they mean a legal mortgage.
When a homeowner says mortgage, they mean a mortgage loan.
P.S: Don’t forget to subscribe!
YouTube: LawPop Cambridge
Instagram: @cambridgelawstudio
#legalenglish #CLS #mortgage
#thestyleofcontracts #Uklegalsystem #commonlaw
#internationallawyers #legalmortgage #mortgageloan
#legalenglish #lawyerscourse #lawyerslifelessons #internetionallaw
#hukukingilizcesi #Cambridge #GirtonCollege #realestate #londonrealestate #lawyer #britishlawyers
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We’re thrilled to have had you with us in Cambridge Lounge Webinar (not webinar )and hope to see you again at future events.
A special short lesson by Catherine Mason, an expert in Legal English – was perfect.
Catherine is the founder of Cambridge Law Studio.
Between 1999-2024 she has trained corporate lawyers from all over the world, as well as setting up specialist English courses for law students to prepare them for work. She holds a BA Hons in English, and the Postgraduate Diploma in Law and as well as being a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language.
In 2000 she was one of the founders of the Test of Legal English Skills (TOLES), which have been adopted by numerous organizations around the world, and are appreciated by the employers of lawyers because of the strong focus on testing a candidate’s understanding of commercial legal vocabulary as well as grammatical accuracy and appropriate use of professional register.
She is the author of several legal English textbooks including ‘The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook’ and ‘Advanced Legal English.’ She also authored the online ‘Illuminate Program’ in legal English, and in 2023, authored her first online guide to drafting commercial contracts in English.
At the December 2024 webinar (not webinar) we enjoyed the session, learned something new, and had fun participating in the quiz.
From all of us at the Cambridge Lounge team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, festive season! 🎄✨
#LegalEnglish #CambridgeLawStudio #Englishforlawyers #AIinLaw #Cambridge #England 🇬🇧 #UK #Queen #Hukukİngilizcesi #Galler #lawsocietyofenglandandwales #АнглийскийдляЮристов #юридическийанглийский #Wales #imagine #Великобритания #Англия #Inglitere #BirleşikKrallık #GirtonCollege #İnglitereveGallerHukukTopluluğu #CatherineMason
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Sivil havacılığın dünya genelinde emniyetli ve düzenli bir şekilde işlemesi amacıyla 1944 yılında kurulan Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Teşkilatı (ICAO), 1992 aldığı bir genel kurul kararı ile kuruluş tarihi olan 7 Aralık'ı 'Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Günü' olarak ilan etmiştir.
Ankara Barosu Hava ve Uzay Hukuku Kurulu olarak 7 Aralık Dünya Sivil Havacılık Günü anısına, 10 Aralık 2024 tarihinde "Sürdürülebilir Havacılık" temalı etkinlikte bir araya geldik.
Etkinlikte İGA Sürdürülebilirlik Müdürü Dr.Orhan GÜL ve Eskişehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Anabilim Dalı Başkanı ve Ankara Barosu Hava ve Uzay Hukuku Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Doç. Dr.K.Sedat SİRMEN konuşmacı oldu.
Emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ederim.
#Aviation #Pilots #Airport #sivilhavacılık #sustainability #пилотаж #аэропорты #пилоты #internationalcivilaviationday
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📢 SHY-YOLCU Yönetmeliğinde Yeni Dönem Başladı! ✈️
10 Aralık 2024 tarihinde yayımlanan yeni yönetmelik değişikliğiyle, havayolu yolcularının hakları genişletildi, varışı geciken firmaya yolcuya tazminat ödeme yükümlülüğü getirildi!
💡 Nasıl bir tazminat?
➡️ Yurt içi uçuşlarda: 3 saat ve üzeri rötarlarda €100 tazminat hakkı.
➡️ Dış hat uçuşlarda: Rötar süresi ve mesafeye göre €250 ila €600 tazminat hakkı:
🟡 1500 km veya daha kısa uçuşlar için: 250 EURO (Örneğin İzmir-Atina)
🟠 1500-3500 km arası uçuşlar için: 400 EURO (Örneğin Ankara-Amsterdam)
🔴 3500 km'den uzun uçuşlar için: 600 EURO (Örneğin İstanbul-Tokyo)
💰 Tazminatlar Türk Lirası olarak ödenecektir ve TCMB döviz satış kuru esas alınacaktır.
⚠️ Unutmayın!
Tazminat talebi için rötarların teknik ya da operasyonel nedenlere dayanması gerekir. Ayrıca, uçuş öncesinde check-in işleminizi tamamlamış olmanız şarttır (uçuş saatinden en geç 45 dakika önce).
📌 SHY-YOLCU Yönetmeliği kimleri kapsıyor?
- Türk ve yabancı hava yolu şirketlerinin Türkiye'den veya Türkiye'ye gerçekleştirdiği tarifeli ve tarifesiz uçuşlarda seyahat eden yolcular.
- Onaylı rezervasyona sahip yolcular.
- Bilet değişikliği yapılan veya ücretsiz/indirimli biletle seyahat eden yolcular.
🎯 SHY-YOLCU Yönetmeliği ile ne amaçlanıyor?
- Havayolu yolcularının hakları korunarak, uçuş iptalleri, gecikmeler ve rötarlar karşısında daha net ve adil bir süreç sağlanması hedefleniyor.
Detaylı bilgi için yönetmeliğe ve ilgili rehberlere göz atmayı unutmayın!
✈️ #Havayolu #YolcuHakları #RötarTazminatı #SHYYOLCU
Bilgi notu: Av. Maral Gül Erol
Editör: Av. Anıl Akyol
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I am happy to refreshing my knowledges in the field of “information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — ISO/IEC 27001:2022 by attending the webinar by “Academy and capacity building, International Electrorechnical Commission (IEC), JTC1, ISO on 14.11.2024.
With cyber-crime on the rise and new threats constantly emerging, it can seem difficult or even impossible to manage cyber-risks. ISO/IEC 27001 helps organizations become risk-aware and proactively identify and address weaknesses.
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides companies of any size and from all sectors of activity with guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system.
Conformity with ISO/IEC 27001 means that an organization or business has put in place a system to manage risks related to the security of data owned or handled by the company, and that this system respects all the best practices and principles enshrined in this International Standard.
#ISO27001 #cybersecurity #ISO #JTC1 #IEC #ИСО #исо27001 #кибербезопасность #ИТ #IT #ITlaw #internationalstandards #internationallawyer
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ISO 9001,45001,27001,13485
Адвокат Международник
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Космическое и ИТ Право
Специалист В Области Сертификации
Ведущий Аудитор ISO 9001, 45001, 27001,13485
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Baş Denetçi ISO 9001, 27001, 45001,13485
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