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BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO

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BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
6 days ago - 409 likes

🤗 Maayong Buntag! Happy Sunday! Here we are to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel." [1Corinthians10:10]

There is a man named Marty Baden, who served as Germany's finance minister. He contributed greatly to the country by always being positive and grateful. There is a special story behind this.

When he was young and struggling, he once traveled to a province with no money and stayed at a cheap inn. The next day, his shoes were gone. He had been robbed. Losing his shoes meant he had to buy new ones, but without shoes to go out and buy them, he got angry and cursed the thief.

"God is also indifferent. I can't believe he allowed someone to steal the shoes of a poor person like me..." He even blamed God.

However, it happened to be Sunday, and the innkeeper lent him old shoes and invited him to church. So, he reluctantly went.

Everyone was praising and praying, but Baden was not inclined to join in. His anger lingered because of his stolen shoes. Then, he noticed the person next to him, who was singing a hymn with tears of gratitude and praying earnestly. When Baden looked closely, he saw that the man had no legs.

"He didn't just lose his shoes; he lost both his legs, so he couldn't wear shoes even if he had them! By comparison, I only lost my shoes. Yet, I cursed others and even blamed God for something I could replace!"

After that, Baden had a different view of life and realized he had more to be grateful for than he thought. He stopped resenting others and began living a positive and active life. Everything went well for him, and he eventually became Germany's finance minister.

We often forget that we have more than we don't have. As a result, complaints become more common than appreciation, making it harder to solve problems and creating negativity.

🙏 We pray that this week will be filled with moments of gratitude and appreciation for all that we have. May we be reminded of the abundant blessings in our lives and find joy in the little things.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
1 week ago - 491 likes

🙏 Happy a blessed Sunday! We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." [Psalm 68:5]

Even today, Jesus comes to us through words. When some saints come to church and listen to God's words, they will often feel warm and think, "That word is for me."

At that time, the word of God in history is like a fire burning a swamp and an iron bat hitting a rock.

On the other hand, when the saints read the words, they become enlightened and find their way. For the saints, there are times when words that are passed inadvertently suddenly become hot and realized one day, showing a different path in life. That is the hand of God's guidance.

The famous Rev. George Mueller in England was a German who went to England to study to become an African missionary. Pastor George Mueller usually studied watching many orphans wandering on the streets, and one day while reading the Bible, he found the words "God in that holy place is the father of the orphan and the judge of the widow" (Psalm 68:5).

That's when the words shook Pastor Mueller's soul. They were given to Pastor Mueller.

Here, Pastor Mueller thought, "If God is the father of orphans, I will be the general manager who takes care of orphans." He prayed, "God, you have given me the mission to take care of orphans, so please pave the way." Eventually, he found the way to establish an orphanage and became the most respected father of orphans in the world.

Our lives will be different if God specifically tells us. Therefore, we must always read and meditate on God's words. If we want to be guided by God, we must always read and meditate on the word. As soon as we realize the word, our lives change.

🌹 We pray that today will be a blessed week in which the word of God is heard as a living word.

We upload new content every Sunday at 7 PM. We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
2 weeks ago - 698 likes

Maayong Buntag 😊 Nagsugod na ang ulan na season noh? Amping kanunay! 🙏
We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"‘If you can’?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes." [Mark 9:23]

⭐️Self-Esteem is a positive evaluation of one's values and abilities. It involves pride, respecting and valuing oneself, and not being hurt by the negative evaluations of others.

⭐️Self-Respect is the desire to protect one's dignity and is often influenced by the evaluation of others. It tends to make one hide their shortcomings.

Self-esteem means having a positive evaluation and pride in one's values and abilities. Pride refers to the desire to protect one's dignity.

People with strong self-esteem can respect themselves without being hurt by the negative evaluations of others. While self-respect is influenced by the evaluation of others, self-esteem is based on a positive evaluation of oneself.

To develop healthy self-esteem and self-respect, efforts such as self-understanding and acceptance, positive thinking, achievement experiences, and supportive relationship formation are required.

⭐️Balance of Self-Esteem and Self-Respect:
Self-esteem and self-respect are both manifestations of self-consciousness but have different characteristics. The balance between the two is important for a healthy self-image.

People with high self-esteem can acknowledge and respect their shortcomings, but people with high self-respect often try to hide their shortcomings.

Therefore, it is important to develop balanced self-respect and self-esteem through self-understanding and acceptance, positive thinking, achievement experiences, and supportive relationship formation.

⭐️Self-Esteem is a broader concept that encompasses both self-esteem and self-respect. It means an overall assessment and valuation of oneself.

People with high self-esteem value themselves positively and have high confidence and happiness. On the other hand, people with low self-esteem may evaluate themselves negatively and feel unhappy.

To improve self-esteem, efforts such as self-understanding and acceptance, positive self-dialogue, achievement experiences, and supportive relationship formation are required.

We pray that you will be a wise steward who balances your pride and self-esteem well today.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
3 weeks ago - 387 likes

Maayong Buntag! 🥰 Happy Sunday! We came to share today's verse and meditation:

"Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away." [Psalm 90:10]

In the West, graves are not in distant mountains but in the middle of neighborhoods or in cathedral courtyards. The neatly lined tombstones are engraved with condolences or regretful messages for those who passed away earlier.

A person walked around a cemetery, stopping in front of a tombstone. The writing on it was intriguing. There were three lines:

"I was standing here like you before."

At this, he burst into laughter. The second line followed:

"I used to be here laughing like you."

Reading this, he thought, "This isn't just for fun." So he gathered himself and read the third line with nervousness:

"Now get ready to die like me."

Nothing is more solemn than preparing for death, but that preparation must be made while you are still alive. The preparation is to never live 'today' like a joke.

The survival probability by age is as follows:

At 70 years old: 86%
At 75 years old: 54%
At 80 years old: 30%
At 85 years old: 15%
At 90 years old: 5%

In other words, by the age of 90, 95 out of 100 people have died, leaving only 5 surviving. Statistically, by the age of 80, 70 out of 100 people have died, leaving only 30 surviving. The average age to live healthily is 76 to 78.

Someday, there will be a time when you can't talk. Say a lot of warm words.

Someday, you won't be able to hear. Look at and listen to good stories and valuable knowledge.

One day, there comes a time when you can't smile. Smile again and again and smile broadly.

Someday you can't move. Go wherever you want to go.

Someday, you'll miss people. Meet many good friends and make friends.

There comes a time when you won't be thrilled. Don't hide your feelings and express yourself.

Someday you'll be at the end of the world.

The Bible says that there is the end of all things. If there's a first, there's a last.

I hope you do your best to live a life without regret while you live.

🙏We pray that you will always have a blessed week, preparing for the end and living your best every day with faith.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
1 month ago - 628 likes

Maayong Buntag!🌹 Happy a blessed Sunday!🤗 We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." [Jeremiah 29:11]

During the cold winter of World War II, a man and his son were imprisoned in a German Nazi concentration camp.

For the two of them, the harsh cold and hunger were an endless series of painful days.

The son cried to his father, saying, "We will never be able to leave this concentration camp." One day, the father took his son, who was struggling, to a corner of the camp building.

The father said, "People can live without eating for three weeks and without drinking water for three days, but without hope, they cannot live for even a day. My son, this fire that illuminates the darkness is our hope."

Hope begins in darkness. That's why we have to leave a small spark of hope. Even if despair now envelops your heart, that small spark of hope will gradually illuminate your heart and give you the courage and opportunity to rise again.

The dawn will surely come. As long as there is life, there is hope.

What we should fear now is not economic difficulties, poverty, or an uncertain future. What we should really fear now is the "loss of hope". The abandonment of hope.

However, hope is will. Hope is determination. Hope is a choice. A rosy blueprint is not hope. In front of us, there are two paths: the path of life and the path of death. Don't ever lose hope.

When everyone in this world is asleep and locked in darkness, and even dreams fall asleep, we pray that you will not be afraid and that you will look to Jesus Christ, the hope of all people, and overcome. Amen! 🙏

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
1 month ago - 424 likes

Happy Father’s Day sa tanang PAPA! We are so proud of all the fathers and wish you all more blessings to come 🌹 Today's verse and meditation:

"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." [Matthew 25:40]

A young book salesman with a rustic costume appeared in a village in Maryland, the United States.

A young man tired of the heat and hunger visited a shabby house at the entrance of the village, and a girl came out.

The young man asked for a cup of cold milk. The girl treated him with all her heart. When the young man tried to pay for it, the girl said

"My mother told me not to expect a price when I was being kind."

Twenty years later, a female critical care patient was brought to Maryland Hospital. Hospital director Howard Kelly saved the patient by mobilizing all of his doctors.

She sighed when she accepted the bill for more than $10,000 in medical bills.

However, this was written on the back of the bill.
"A cup of milk that day paid for everything."

The kindness of a glass of milk replaced the unbearable hospital bills. The kindness of a glass of milk saved a woman's life.

The kindness I give is the way of salvation and makes the world beautiful.

There's also a saying, 'Red land is a must-have-bearer.' It means that good things will always happen to a house that gives good things.

It is kind to give a cold cup of milk to a thirsty neighbor, and it is kind to invite a traveler on the street to serve delicious food.

It is also kind of you to be willing to accompany someone who asks for directions.

We pray that today will be a blessed week to practice love with kindness.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
1 month ago - 494 likes

Maayong adlaw sa Ginoo! 🥰 We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere." [2 Corinthians 2:14]

Fragrances, also called aromas, have the power to capture people's hearts.

Here is a story:

A teacher once showed his students a basket full of flowers and asked them, "What kind of basket is this?" The students promptly answered, "It's a flower basket."

Then the teacher took out the flowers, put trash in the basket, and asked again, "Now, what kind of basket is this?" The students replied in unison, "It's a garbage basket."

The teacher then said, "Yes, it depends on what you put in the basket. If you put fragrant flowers in the basket, it becomes a fragrant basket. Similarly, if you fill yourself with fragrant flowers, you become a fragrant person."

If we have Jesus in us, we should reflect His fragrance. Just as roses smell like roses, the scent of Jesus in us proves our connection to Christ.

We carry the scent of victory, the scent of knowledge of Christ, and the scent of life. Just as a pleasant scent attracts bees and butterflies, producing beautiful fruits, may we bring the fragrance of the Lord to everyone we meet, enriching the fruits that please Him.

🙏 Shalom, I pray that every person you meet today will be a channel of blessing, conveying the scent of Christ.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
1 month ago - 404 likes

Happy Sunday ❤️ ug maayong buntag! 🤗 We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” [Matthew 6:3-4]

This is an old story. Martin, a poor student, received an acceptance letter from a small college in a small town. To afford the tuition, he looked for a job and found one at a nearby greenhouse farm. The farm's field supervisor, upon hearing Martin's situation, arranged a job for him there.

During lunchtime, the farm workers would sit under a large tree to eat, but Martin, unable to afford to bring lunch, spent that time under a different tree a bit further away.

One day, he heard the field supervisor grumbling, "Darn it, does my wife think I'm an elephant? How does she expect me to eat all this? Hey, anyone want to help me eat these sandwiches and cake?"

Thanks to the supervisor's daily complaints, Martin was able to fill his stomach with the offered sandwiches and cake each lunch time.

On payday, as Martin received his wages and was leaving the office, he said to the office clerk, "Please tell the supervisor that I am very grateful. And also tell him that his wife's sandwiches were truly delicious."

Hearing this, the clerk, with a surprised look, responded, "Wife? The supervisor's wife passed away five years ago. He still lives alone, mourning his departed wife..."

True kindness does not boast or seek recognition, thus not making the recipient feel uncomfortable or burdened. This is why such acts of kindness are long remembered.

🙏 We pray that today, you will have a joyful and blessed Sunday, sharing and giving with the heart of the Lord.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
2 months ago - 999 likes

Maayong Buntag 🤗 Happy blessed Sunday!🙏 We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"Do not seek what you will eat or what you will drink, and do not be anxious." [Luke 12:29]

There is a saying that if you don't know the goods, buy more money, and if you don't know life, invest in more long-lasting values.

Cheap things are not worth it. If you buy cheap things, you will eventually buy the same things twice.

The value of life is also different. How should we live a life without regret? We can see it by looking at what kind of life values each person has.

Almost everyone lives by pursuing material values. They are desperate to live a more prosperous life.

We must not live in poverty. It makes us miserable and depressed. If possible, we should try to live as rich people.

It's not that no one knows that. Everyone wants to be rich, so they study hard and save money.

But to be honest, there are not many families these days who cannot solve the problem of eating. It's just the greed to have more and take more.

It is a blessed life to invest in honor that will be preserved for a little longer rather than food that will disappear today, and to invest in eternal life rather than honor that will fade.

There are many people who think the opposite even among believers. There are many people who try to protect their own interests by throwing away their honor and hiding the value of heaven.

Those who do not believe in Christ as their Lord are indifferent to the Kingdom of God and the 'righteousness' of God.

They are people who pour their lives into eating and clothing.

In other words, it is not a Christian to be dragged around by the problem of livelihood.

We, who have been called, should not blindly follow it, but should live by seeking the calling of 'the Kingdom of God and the righteousness of God' first.

❤️ May you have a blessed Sunday, living for eternal life and not being bound by worldly things as one who has been called by God.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️

BapmukjaGO 밥먹자GO
2 months ago - 535 likes

Maayong Buntag ug maayong adlaw sa Ginoo 🤗 Musta naman inyong simana? We came to share the words of today's verse and meditation:

"It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment." [Hebrews 9:27]

Where do we come from, what are we living for, and where are we going? Who am I? Where am I going?

Everyone has probably had these questions at some point.

Where do we come from, what are we living for, and where are we going? Where did I come from? Who am I? Where will I go?

This question is the question of all philosophers in the East and West, and it is also the question that all humans have. However, no one has given a clear answer.

​There is a large stone monument at the entrance to a monastery in Paris, France, and the inscription on it repeats the words 'Apres cela' three times.

The words 'Apres cela' mean 'after that, after that, after that', and their origin is as follows.

A law student who was struggling to pay his tuition fees had no way to pay his tuition fees for his final semester. He went to a priest to ask for help.

The priest said, "Just now, a believer came and left a bundle of money to be used for a good cause. This is definitely for you." And he gave the student the money without even counting it.

The student, who received unexpected help, returned with a happy face, but the priest called him back for a moment.

"I have a question for you. What are you going to do with the money?" "I'm going to pay my tuition fees, as I told you."

"And after that?" "I'm going to study hard and graduate." "And after that?" "I'm going to become a judge and help the innocent."

"That's a good idea. I hope you do that. And after that?"

"I'm going to make money, get married, and support my family."

"And after that?"

The student couldn't answer any further.

The priest smiled and said, "I'll tell you what comes after that. You have to die too. After that, you will stand before the judgment seat. Do you understand?"

The student returned home, but the priest's question, "Apres cela," did not leave his ears.

The student eventually returned the money to the priest, entered the monastery, and lived a valuable and meaningful life.

After his death, his tombstone was inscribed with the three words he had recited as his lifelong motto.

'Apres cela, We make many plans in our lives.

Some people want to make a lot of money and live happily, some people want to gain honor and be envied by others, and some people want to gain power and rule over others. But what comes after that, what comes after that?...

Foolish people live only for the present, not thinking about the future. But wise people always think that 'my life will end someday!'

The reason why our souls and lives become powerless is because we don't have an end in mind.

​🌹'Apres cela' Let's always remember this and pray that we will be faithful stewards who will not regret the day when it ends.

Don't forget to check out our new upload later at 7 PM! We hope to see you there! God bless you ❤️