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David Wen

45.2K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hi, I'm David 😀 A Californian in Amsterdam. I make videos a

David Wen
7 months ago - 63 likes

Comparing 10 Public Transport Network Densities in 10 European countries...

Thought this was an interesting visual by TravelTime. BUT...

👀 This is only one factor—other factors to think about include population density, geography, frequency, quality, and price of public transport!


David Wen
7 months ago - 31 likes

Coming soon…

A philosophy that brings many Dutch ‘over the moon’,
But surprise many an American,
To not actually ‘shoot for the moon’,

Stay tuned...

Happy weekend,

David Wen
8 months ago - 93 likes

Dutch public transport looks...expensive? 😲 What do you think?


I've been spending quite a few evenings reading up on annual reports from NS and public transport in the Netherlands—fun stuff 😆

Will share a new video on my thoughts on public transport in the Netherlands very soon. Would love to hear your views on it soon!

Take care and have a nice day,

🚊 Note: This is for comparison purposes only. This overview contains monthly unlimited public transport costs (primarily train). For example, NS' monthly pass excludes metro/buses. No country's "monthly passes" look the same and have different limitations.

David Wen
10 months ago - 141 likes

Happy summer all! ☀️ One thing I love about Europe is the summer holiday season—everyone seems to be "out of office"—and how one can just book a last-minute trip to a place like Spain and walk the Camino de Santiago...

I just finished walking 200km on the Camino Ingles and Finisterre, and it was a great reminder of how powerful it is to "disconnect to reconnect." The Camino Ingles (English Way) is a beautiful pilgrimage—one filled with lots of forests—and the least crowded one of all. Great for self-reflection. I plan to make a video of the journey sometime soon.

And I plan to continue making videos about life in the Netherlands. Have a great summer (or winter depending on where you are) and take care 🙏

David Wen
1 year ago - 40 likes

Hi community 🙂

I will be doing a live talk tomorrow about a topic that is very close to my heart (and related to this channel)—diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We will be discussing diversity in the workplace, life in the Netherlands, and a bit about our stories.

If you are interested, I'd love to have you join (Tues Mar 7, 7:45PM CET/ 1:45PM ET) =…

And lastly, I just want to thank you for your support—whether you found this channel through my Camino or "Life in the Netherlands" videos.

I don't know if you know...but I moved to Amsterdam right before COVID—and you helped me get through it when I felt the most alone.

Thank you for the connection 🙏