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Zak H.

4.55K subscribers - no pronouns set

Tech screencasts that aim to simplify dev lives across stack

Zak H.
2 years ago - 0 likes

Single Responsibility Principle explained with cool visuals and a bad ass Jarvis AI voice over. What do you think about how far machine learning and artificial intelligence is coming in terms of that Jarvis voice being created via speech to text?

#singleresponsibility #machinelearning #jarvisai

Zak H.
2 years ago - 0 likes

Not a group or a forum, simply a list of useful links for devs

Zak H.
2 years ago - 3 likes

#javascript #designpatterns

The (Most) Comprehensive JavaScript Design Principles Guide…

Zak H.
2 years ago - 2 likes

With tons of questions coming in daily, you have the option to call me in as another resource in your tech tool kit.

I’m thinking we take that a step further…

☎️ 1-816-645-9467

You now have my personal phone number. Use me as another resource in your tech tool kit and let’s continue to build, progress, and connect!

Text me those tech questions directly!

Zak H.
2 years ago - 5 likes

What software developers say vs. what software developers mean.…

(Follow @CleanCodeStudio on TikTok for more!)

Zak H.
2 years ago - 6 likes

Clean Code Technique Tip: #SimplifyConditionals…

**9 line 3 indents simplified down to 1 line 0 indents**
- Return Early
- Inverse Conditionals
- Combine Nested Conditional Statements
- Return the conditional check itself to remove if else condition all together
- Refactor function to utilize implicit js (arrow) function to remove brackets and return key word
- De-structure object passed in as the parameter to further reduce the characters used and improve readability

Zak H.
2 years ago - 5 likes

"Your palms are sweaty. Knees weak, arms are heavy.
There's vomit on your sweater already, Dev's spaghetti.

Your nervous, but on the surface you stay calm and ready, To Drop .coms.

But you're forgettin' what you coded wow. The team knows it now.

Overnight architects studying no doubt, come in clutch
with competent 'Know How' that's balanced by curious 'No, how?'"

Check out my entire article here (…)
Originally, I wrote this article towards the topic of simplifying dependencies.

I took a major creative tangent.

Life advice that has helped me, what kills team passion, how we build team passion, your value as individual with a life and limited time on this spinning blue planet we call earth...deepest piece of content sharing my personal thoughts released to date.

Give it a read if you're curious!
"The truth is, hell is empty - and all of the devils are living here. We know these devils as dependencies."

Zak H.
3 years ago - 3 likes

"Controllers protect the rest of your application from http. If you change your request from JSON to XML or send a console request instead of an http request -- only your controllers should be changed".

While implementing an MVC architecture within node.js for an electron application at work I came across this talk. I started off this morning by confirming that MVC in node.js was the same as in Php and they are but man did I have an Aha moment!

One of those aha moments hit me like a bag of bricks. My entire perspective on the MVC pattern is changed for ever -- something I would have never guessed was possible just a few short hours ago.

Model View Controller is one of those design patterns so commonly utilized that we forget to re-learn it after garnering years of real world experiences. So many time I find myself guilty of this mistake - often times, I naively assume I truly understand the intimate intricacies of the pattern because I use it every single day. In actuality, the last serious learning session I had on MVC was very early in my career.

Early in my career I didn't understand enough to even know what I didn't know. Today, after years of experience, my way of thinking and utilizing the Model-View-Controller design pattern will be forever different thanks to this talk.

Black belts are given to those who do the same actions over and over again. Black belts learned the move years ago, but continue practicing it. I find software so often feeling like a martial arts. I'm striving to become a black belt, and that means years of repetition and practice over the moves I already know.

Zak H.
3 years ago - 6 likes

World of Web Development & Clean Code Studio Updates :)

Vue 3 Release updates!!!

1. Laravel Http Request 3D/Virtual Reality Visualization Lesson is ALMOST ready for release (It's sweet).
2. Vue 3 Docs: (Stable-Beta Release) have officially been released at As promised, everything - including the Laravel 3d representation - will be paused to give us some time for a Vue
4. First couple of Vue 3 Crashcourse lessons will be released today.

Most of the Vue 3 Crashcourse Series Breakdown is depicted in the image below :)

Zak H.
3 years ago - 5 likes


The next lesson in our Laravel 7 From The Ground Up Series will be a visualization an http request takes through its life cycle. #Simplify