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Katie McLaughlin

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The purpose of this channel is to help you find peace and fr

Katie McLaughlin
2 weeks ago - 10 likes

Here's what actually works for anxiety...

1) Understanding the true nature of anxiety (and how it'a actually trying to help)

2) Accepting that anxiety is a natural part of life (embracing it will bring more peace than trying to eliminate it ever will)

3) Creating safety in your mind and body through intentional routines

Want to learn more about the freedom cycle and how to finally make peace with your anxiety? Check out my free anxiety guide

Katie McLaughlin
1 month ago - 12 likes

Anxiety is not your enemy.

It is actually doing a whole lot to keep you safe.

Changing how you view anxiety is one of the most powerful tools you can build if you're craving lasting relief.

If you'd like to learn more about finding freedom from anxiety, download my free anxiety guide -

Katie McLaughlin
1 month ago - 10 likes

Katie McLaughlin
2 months ago - 7 likes

A gentle reminder about healing from anxiety

Katie McLaughlin
2 months ago - 17 likes

What I wish everyone knew about anxiety...

Once we stop perceiving anxiety as our enemy, it loosens its grip and actually stops feeling like an enemy.

This process doesn't happen overnight but working towards this type of peace has a lasting, positive impact on well-being, emotion regulation and confidence levels (not to mention the added benefit of generally feeling less anxious as well)

What has been the most helpful tip you've learned about anxiety that has led to some freedom and peace for you?

Katie McLaughlin
2 months ago - 2 likes

Hey everyone!

I hope this Friday is treating you well so far.

Now that I am (kind of) getting back into the swing of things work wise since having my daughter, I'd like to check in through this community tab a bit more. This would really help me to better provide helpful content to meet your current needs. What would you say is your most pressing concern at the moment? (If yours isn't listed, feel free to comment as well)

Katie McLaughlin
7 months ago - 8 likes

Hey there!

I wanted to pop on here real quick to fill you all in on some upcoming changes in my own life that will be impacting the frequency of content coming out of this channel over the next few months. My husband and I are pregnant with our first little one and so I will be slowing things down work-wise in order to be fully present with our family.

I was planning on having videos ready to go for my time away but pregnancy hit me way harder than I expected it to which has made the whole planning in advance thing much more difficult. I am going to try my best to get some content prepped so this channel isn’t completely idle during this transition, but also if that doesn’t happen I wanted to make sure to let you know what was going on behind the scenes.

Thank you all so much for your support, your patience and your kind words. It has been such a blessing to hear how these meditations and educational videos have been impacting you. I fully plan to continue providing free content on this channel going forward; this may just look a little different this winter.

Another option for staying connected during this slower period is over on Instagram @the.mindful_therapist

Wishing you all the best through this Holiday season!


Katie McLaughlin
1 year ago - 1 likes

Knowing how life changing a gratitude practice can be, I created a little something to help you cultivate this skill.
This digital download will help you make gratitude a daily part of your life so you can experience benefits like:

Improved mood

Increased hope

Higher self-confidence

And the ability to fight your negativity bias so you can focus on the good, rather than only on the challenging

Follow the link below to check out the new Gratitude Bundle.…

Happy Wednesday!

Katie McLaughlin
1 year ago - 0 likes

So much of our life is outside of our control.

This is a reality we often don't want to accept, yet it it true for all of us.

This fact brings up much discomfort and anxiety. After all, if something is outside of our control, life is no longer predictable.

No one is immune to the impact of external factors and the uncertainty which arises in us even at the thought of them.

It is how we respond to these external factors which guides the quality of our life.

To respond with acceptance allows us to be curious and compassionate towards others, our experiences and towards ourselves. This is in complete contrast to responding by fighting, struggling and suffering.

This simple 6-minute meditation will assist you in cultivating the inner peace we all crave as you practice acceptance, becoming your very own ally.

Katie McLaughlin
1 year ago - 3 likes

Happy Friday everyone! I hope this day is starting your weekend off well.

I have had some feedback recently regarding the background music in some of my meditations and so I was wondering if you have a preference between practices with zero background music and those with calming sounds. I would love to get your feedback so I can create practices which can be beneficial for you. Thank you in advance for sharing your opinions!