Released in 1949 in the UK and France and later in 1951 in the US, Lou Bunin's Alice has become a cult classic amongst many Alice enthusiasts. Banned in the UK until the 1980's and thwarted by lawsuits from Disney, Lou Bunin's Alice fell into obscurity.
It wasn't until the 1950's and 60's that the film was seen on television broadcasts, and over the years, was edited down for time. Subsequent video releases have been of poor quality (sourced from these cut television broadcasts) giving viewers two very different versions of the film. In 2007, the film was released on DVD for the first time. But alas, the DVD is only a VHS rip transferred to disc. By using these different source materials, I took it upon myself to create a reconstructed version of Lou Bunin's Alice. It is the most complete version of the film that exists digitally.
A full restoration is in the works with Thunderbean Animated, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Lou Bunin family for a BluRay/DVD release.