đšThis channel is made with the motto to serve humanity. Videos in this channel show the ways to empower inner strength by bringing spirituality in life. We work on enhancing our lifestyle and thus way changing kinetic energy into potential power.
We know that spirituality is the soul of our 'Bharat' and it often said that through the path of spirituality only one can achieve the highest goal in life. If we analyze the word 'Bharat' then Bha means Light and Rata means devoted. Means, persons Who are devoted to Light are Bhartiya.
When the light comes inside, darkness automatically removes from life. Truth is the light, the God about whom we say "Satyam Shivam Sundaram". The almighty Godfather Shivbaba showers true Knowledge and shows the easy technique to link with him the supreme. So, MURLI (the original version of Gita) and RAJ YOGA (the ancient one - the king of all yoga) are the backbones here.
We welcome U to our divine Godly family.
Regards & thanks
Om Shanti đ