SREE KRISHNA PHARMACY & STORES known as SKiPS established in the year 1980 is, the foremost among Ayurvedic company in India. It has a long history in providing all kinds of Veterinary products for all species of animals including aquatic animals, and recently entered into Agriculture. SKiPS offers products and quality solutions for Poultry, Veterinary and Fish & Shrimp (Aqua) industry and showcases dedication towards the animal healthcare and now for Agriculture through/basing Ayurvedic basic principles. SKiPS is a family-owned company started by an eminent ayurvedic Doctor and other professionals in the field of Ayurveda with a motive to develop and spread ancient valuable ayurvedic preparations into products which values Product Quality, Service and Transparency in business. SKiPS is the reliable name for products in all parts of INDIA. It lives up to the expectations of all its customers worldwide through basic motive Growth without Stress.