Ye channel dedicated hai un jaanbajo ke liye jo apne family history me pehli bar business ki duniya me kadam rakh rhe hain.
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Running a successful business from past many years.
Or just started a business and need guidance.
Or want to start a business
Then this channel is the right place for you.
We're dedicated to empowering first-time entrepreneurs with practical insights, expert advice, and actionable tips for navigating the dynamic world of business.
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About Hupendra Sahu:
Hupendra Sahu is India's First Coach Dedicated To Serve First Time Business Owners who want to grow their business.
тШЕ Awarded as First Navratna Business Consultant by Dr Vivek Bindra
тШЕ MBA from Pune (Marketing, Advertising, Branding)
тШЕ 10 Years of corporate work experience
тШЕ An Entrepreneur, Business Coach and Trainer
тЮд Know more about Hupendra Sahu (