Hi, my name is April👋
In 2016 I was diagnosed with Otosclerosis, a form of hearing loss caused by an abnormal growth of the bone in the middle ear.
It started off mild/ moderate, however it is now moderate/ severe and is progressively getting worse.
I now rely on hearing aids every single day. If I do not have them in I am lost. I hear nothing. It is really lonely sometimes and has been a struggle navigating through this transition because it is completely out of my control.
I have a lot of anxiety. I get frustrated easily and feel defeated when I have to ask people to repeat themselves or to speak louder. I have good days, where I forget I am even wearing hearing aids, and I have bad days where my hearing aids are not performing for me and I can’t hear.
I have been insecure about my hearing loss for a while now but I can either be upset about it or embrace it. I am choosing to embrace it.💕
Follow me on my hard of hearing journey 🦻