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MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n

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I've finally made a return! Hope you're having a minky day t

MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n
1 month ago - 2 likes

Hey all, Minkey here.

This time next week, Gen. 1 AEFE will be starting up for real (Trailer linked down below), so I hope you look forward to that! It's been fun recording it so far, but I'm not quite done yet (really happy that I've managed to get such a series back up and running).

As a general update too, I've got no more Deck Profiles scheduled at the moment, so I'll be recording a few more for the upcoming weeks, although I might skip next week's (on the 22nd) due to focusing on another project of mine (albeit I'd just be skipping the 1 week at most).

Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel (Part 7) has been fully recorded, I just need to get round to editing it, which may also take a good few days simply due to focusing on other things before I get back to it - but it'll be a bit longer than normal, so hopefully it's something to look forward to.

Minky Mondays aren't on hiatus or anything, I'm just wondering what to do next for it. I really don't want Part 3 to be a Zelda Theory video again since that's not the focus, but whatever I do decide to do next, it'll be released on a Monday (as expected). Any suggestions would also be appreciated too!

Finally, The Legend of Zelda: Nimpize Adventure & Ocarina of Time. That's still on hiatus at the moment, and I still haven't focused on making progress on it at all since I had to put it on hiatus, but I will get back to it soon enough. It's my first ever LP since I returned, so I'd really rather not have it cancelled or anything - I've just been really busy with other projects.

I hope you're all enjoying the content so far and are looking forward to more, and I hope you have a minky day!

MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n
2 months ago - 6 likes

Hey all, Minkey here.

Now that the results of my Twitter Poll are in and that I had a recording morning yesterday (might also get it again today), I figured I'd give an update on my series' and what to expect in the near future.

First, since the poll was about the Deck Profiles, I'll start with them. The winning option of the poll is to focus on one sub-series at a time, so the next 4 Episodes of it will be on the same series. All 4 are also recorded, I've just gotta edit them, including taking pictures of some of my cards for them, so I'll get on that during the week; I was hoping to release the next Deck Profile this week (hence why the Deck Profile ended about a day before this week's Episode would've been released), but I've ended up deciding to start releasing them next week instead (all 4 will still be released in consecutive weeks though) as this will give me an extra week to think of what other Deck Profile sub-series' I can do videos on.

Second, my Zelda NA and OoT LP. I've only done a bit of work on this LP, that being recording a video of my old NA and OoT file (which only has audio in the left headphone, so at least I caught that before I worked on recording for the main LP), and it'll be a while before I can actually properly focus on getting a save file up to speed to where I need to be, so I can't give a date of when to expect its return. The video I have recorded is a bonus video that'll be released after the main LP is finished.

Third, my Yu-Gi-Oh! LP. I recorded Part 6 yesterday morning and will be releasing it this weekend as planned, but then it'll be taking a break so I can make some off-screen progress for the LP. I'll make sure to record my screen whenever I play too so that I can show off anything interesting that may happen during the progress, although I wouldn't recommend holding your breathe on that, and it'll make a return once I manage to get to a good point and know what to do next (whether it be showcasing another interaction in the game or actually making some progress).

Fourth, Minkey Mondays. I do plan on releasing another Minkey Monday next week on the Zelda Timeline again (any feedback on the previous video will be much appreciated - I do my best to improve as I sit fit, but feedback and criticism could help steer me in a good direction too), but then I'm unsure what I'll tackle in the future of the series (the only ideas I have either aren't something really worth doing at all, could be done in another series anyway, or could start off their own actual series), so any suggestions there would be appreciated too.

Fifth, my Pokémon Gen. 1 AEFE LP. I finally started making some progress on it last week (I do apologise for the delay - I've had other, private things to do as well that I can't go into detail here) and I'd say I'm about 15% done with preparations so far. I would've been even more done with it had I not run into my computer troubles at the end of January, but I guess that's my fault for not thinking about backing up (a life tip that no one thought to try to get me to actively focus on and that I never really thought too much about...but I guess now I'm just venting). Pity I couldn't start it on the planned day, but at least I was able to get the trailer out on the day instead.

Sixth, the LP Movies. Due to the issue I had back at the end of January, I've now got essentially no progress on my LP Movies now, but I've written down some notes for them (particularly the first one that'll be released on the 23rd of August this year), and I'll be sure to focus on that when I get chance - assuming I'm going as slow as necessary, it shouldn't take more than about a month and a half to edit it all together (1 video per day with about 60 videos to review and edit down, as well as reviewing each movie - about 11 hours worth of content in total just from the first LP Movie alone - as a whole to ensure it's good to send out as I'd very rather not rush and release a garbage product, especially for something like this and for something I've got plenty of time to do, and *especially* especially if doing the best I humanly can is at the expense of no one's mental health as well while still not rushing it and not releasing it prematurely for no reason, since I did promise a release of the first one on the 23rd of August, and I have got no reason to dishonour that promise). I'll still be doing the LP Movies in the chosen order as well (that being in order of whenever the Part 1 of each series was released, with the only exception being "bonus" videos), but none of the other LP Movies have a planned release date, so I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle that. Also to note: Some of the LP Movies will be released in several Parts (as I mentioned, the first one is 11 hours long, which I'll be breaking down into 5 Parts of about 2 or so hours each), in which case I won't be releasing anything of the LP Movie until all of its Parts are finished, and I will upload Parts 2 and onwards on either the following day(s) or on a weekly basis (to use this first LP Movie for an example: I'll release each Part on either the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of August, or on the 23rd of August, 30th of August, 6th of September, 13th of September and 20th of September) - maybe I'll leave it up to a poll or decide myself when the time comes to release each individual one, we'll see.

Finally, I wanna thank everyone for the continued support. It's been a long 6 months behind the scenes since I came back (and an even longer 4 years since I left), but I'm glad to finally be back with making content, even if only for a very tiny audience. For as long as I can remember (even before I left a few years ago), I've done this as an escape from life but to also feel like I'm doing something with my life while also putting something nice out there for people to enjoy and hopefully even learn from (for both myself and anyone who watches). On that note, I hope you have a minky day, and thank you for reading to the end.

MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n
2 months ago - 3 likes

Hey all, Minkey here.

I've just released a poll on my Public Twitter (poll linked below) regarding future Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Profiles in case you'd like to take part in deciding how I handle near-future episodes there (ends in just over 3 days). I also realise that I can do Polls on here too, so I may do them on both Twitter and on here in future and then see how things go from there.…

Have a minky day!

MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n
3 months ago - 4 likes

Hey all, Minkey here.

My computer's fully restored and I'm pretty much done setting up a lot of what I lost, so I can get back to properly focusing on my content. My LP file on Zelda NA + OoT is no more, but I can still continue the LP, it'll just be a while before I can get back into recording for it. I might do another, short LP to have something going up on the weekends in the meantime until I can start it up again though.

As for Deck Profiles, I can record more over the week and start sending them out real soon (still on Wednesdays at 5pm GMT), and while I'll still finish off the Deck lists that I started (those being the 3 Armityle Decks and the several Restriction Decks), I'll still also be doing other Decks too. I've also updated some of my Decks a bit over the past month, which I think you'll find to be a welcome change.

As for the LP I promised to start this's getting the trailer tomorrow! So I hope you enjoy it and look forward to the LP, and I also have ‪@KhFangirl25‬ to thank for her help with some of the artworks there (make sure to check out her channel too!).

Have a minky day!

MinkeyTheFiftyFirst - 5mart2n
4 months ago - 5 likes

Hey all, Minkey here. I'm currently facing technical difficulties, so I won't be able to record any videos for a bit.

Last Wednesday's Deck Profile was the last one I was able to make, while my NA + OoT LP has been done up to Part 31 (Part 27 just released over the weekend), and will continue to release as scheduled (5pm GMT every Saturday) until Part 31 is released - and then until further notice after that. Neither series is cancelled, just on a small hiatus on both until I can record them again.

As for the LP I planned to start next month: I'm not sure if I'll be able to start it on time now due to these issues; in the case that I don't, I'll either be making a trailer for it on hopefully the 12th (to upload the following day) or instead start it the following year instead (same day upload) - whenever and however it starts though, I hope you look forward to it and that you'll find that it was worth the wait.

As for the LP Movies, they weren't saved either, but all of my old content is still as archived as it was before, so I'll still be able to start them as planned, but I'll need to do all of the editing again (I would've had the first one done sooner, dodging this issue to a degree and at least having something to go out, if not for dealing with depression and other personal issues throughout the past few months). The start date is still the 23rd of August for them, so I've got plenty of time to get it back up to speed and at least release the first one as planned and promised - but if by some anti-miracle I end up not getting it done in time this year, then I'll release it on the same date but next year (there's about 25-29 LP Movies to expect too, each with their own respective highlights videos, although I only have a planned date for this first one).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you have a minky day.