Welcome to Bm martial arts
I am Bapi Mondal. Iam a 4th dan Black belt in Goju-ryu karate. I teach Martial Arts and train students in the practical applications of fighting in a street fight.
I am a self-defence specialist and conditioning coach, certified personal trainer for martial ar
I will regularly upload videos on workouts, self-defence karate and exercises. If you find them beneficial you can Email me for personal classes. My Email id : bapi.mondal7786@gmail.com
I am going to teach you karate for free through this channel. And I am going to learn basic techniques with easy way, so friends support me and subscribe my channel.
My Facebook link ЁЯСЙ www.facebook.com/bapi.mondal.710667
My Twitter link ЁЯСЙ twitter.com/martial_bm?t=YxfLb61Sa2y_Y_WbYFExng&amтАж
My instagram link ЁЯСЙ www.instagram.com/p/CVaqwosjKUj/?utm_medium=share_тАж