We are DangerUssMort and we are growing fast! Dangerussmort is a collaborative venture of Dangeruss and Mort. Essentially we are 2 best friends that decided we aren’t ready to grow up, we are going to live Dangeruss… It’s more than a logo, website and youtube channel, it’s a way of life.
Never Grow up… Live Dangeruss
Facebook - www.facebook.com/DangerUssMort/
Twitter - @Dangeruss_Mort
Pinterest - www.pinterest.com/dangerussmort/dangeruss_mort/
Stumbleupon - www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/Dangerussmort
Tumblr - www.tumblr.com/blog/dangerussmort
Google+ - plus.google.com/u/0/115951284640822994221
Blogspot - dangerussmortunboxing.blogspot.com/
Reddit - Dangerussmort