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316K subscribers - no pronouns :c

IF you want to email me for business things then here's my e

1 year ago - 15 likes

我们中国公司的制作 我非常开心我们可以宣传很有意义的内容。希望大家多转发转发 学到野生大熊猫的情况和中国慈善的现状。

4 years ago - 50 likes

This is great hahahaha

4 years ago - 1K likes

Hi guys,
最近一个月更新的很频繁你们也看到了 其实我很喜欢做这种内容 一开始有点不敢做了 但是看你们这么大的反应我很开心!

所以已经差不多过去了一个月 然后我评估了一下做下去和扩大的方案。
我还想做一个英文版的 — 针对的新闻可能会稍微有点不一样。(外国人不太愿意看字幕 也对罗志祥不感兴趣哈哈哈)
所以我想问你们的问题是 如果我开一个patreon有多少人会愿意支持我?比如每月10美元。

4 years ago - 79 likes

I opened an Instagram account! Fulinfang_official - follow me~

4 years ago - 473 likes

大家好!不好意思这周没更新(其实我跟新了两个视频然后下架了 因为我觉得有点水)。Hey guys! Sorry for not updating this week (although I did upload a couple of videos I wasn't happy with the quality and took them down). 最近在公司也很忙,对了 我在上海招摄影师(freelance)和剪辑师(全职) 有兴趣可以留言或者微博私信我!I've also been super busy at my company, which reminds me, I'm actually looking to hire a freelance videographer and a fulltime editor.

Hope you all are well,
Love - Fang Fang.

4 years ago - 52 likes

Alright guys new video! It's not a real test 不是一个真正的考试鸭 只是闹着玩儿的!

4 years ago - 279 likes

感觉最新的视频不受欢迎!是不是太抖音风?嗯 我也觉得有点...剪辑上头了hhh 不好意思大家 下次视频我拍有意思点吧

4 years ago - 312 likes

最后一个《一带一路 VLOG 老挝》视频出来了!真的很喜欢这种系列,我在策划下一个(我在想哈薩克共和国 到 新疆)。你们觉得呢?下一次我想拍得好看一点,可能和另外一个人去吧。
There's some crazy border crossing around XinJiang I want to check out. No idea though this next video might need a license (lol).
Thanks for watching as always guys! (here's a pic of 老公)

4 years ago - 430 likes

Really enjoying the community here the last week, just wanna thank you guys for supporting my videos! The next 一带一路 vlog is coming out in a couple of days. I am taking your feedback as well so if you have any ideas on how to improve or vlog topics then let me know!

4 years ago - 84 likes

The vote is 84% in favour of seeing my short and silly English learning videos on the channel, your wish is my command! Expect to see them soon :)