in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Nos han pedido para hacer una portada de un libro pero no nos podemos decidir, tu cual eligirias?
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Nuevo short en el canal
Cuantos de vosotros ya han areeglado el patio/ terraza para el verano?
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Te van a encantar estos DIY's facilísimos para decorar una habitación infantil 😍
¡Corre a ver el video y cuéntanos qué te parecen!
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Ha llegado Otoño y es el momento de decorar con fruta seca 🍊🍋
En el video de hoy os explicamos cómo lo hacemos nosotros en casa, es facílisimo!
Esperamos que os guste, no os olvidéis de suscribiros😊
Hugo + Raquel
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No te lo puedes perder, es sobre el paso a paso del IKEA Hack del armario Brimnes!
Esperamos que os guste ❤️
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Hola!! Hoy podréis ver la quinta parte de la transformación de la cocina.
Hemos instalado Estantes Flotantes !!!!
Corre a ver el short!
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You will find the BEST ideas for your DIY's and the best transformations WITHOUT REFURBISHMENT, as we are in a rented flat and we are changing it little by little to our liking. We are a couple from Barcelona and Oporto who are not experts but we like to make all the changes ourselves.
We are big fans of DIY (do it yourself), if you already follow us on other social networks you know that we have a little dog of Spanish Water Dog breed that has as much energy as of beauty. We will leave you some shorts of some of the funny things that happen to us day by day. As it couldn't be otherwise, she herself is our number one fan and she also likes DIYs.
We will leave you videos of easy crafts, how to decorate rooms in a low cost way, how to transform all the rooms in your house without any work, what's new in decoration and our favourite shops, the little details can make the difference!