Scientific studies have shown that most people are guided not by rational thought but mostly with things like: instinct, emotions, and other internal desires. This conflicts greatly with the enlightend belief that most of us atheists/rational/left wing people have. When we try to reason rationally with people about all kinds of philosophical matters, the regular people usually resort to their beliefs without giving arguments a fair chance.
This is not only the case when we reason against the existence of God. But also when its about any other matters. They cling emotionally to their beliefs because without it their world view falls apart. But still its important to try to do so. If we didnt shatter world views before, we would still believe in the Ptolemaic earth-centric galaxy view. Its our task to shatter those paradigmatic views. I believe such a view also exists when people consider ideologies like Socialism, or historical figures like Stalin. Instead of studying primary sources, people rely on hearsay, indirect sources, memoirs, testimonies from enemies of Socialism etc. Historians and interested people should detach themselves before studying such issues. The Cold War tainted the historical studies about Stalin and the USSR in such a way that it became warped from reality. My personal opinion is that Stalin was not even a dictator and that the USSR was a complex form of proletarian democracy that got sabotaged from within.
As Marxists we must find the material truth behind any terminology, historical event and such.
For example, a highly misused word is "Freedom". Freedom by itself has a noble meaning but it also has a class character. Technically in Capitalism we are free yes: to be exploited, to be frustrated and to vote now and then for some bourgeoisie politicians not bothering with mass-opinion.
While we as working class want "real" freedom. That means that we want political and economical say in matters. We want to be in control of both. We want to be "free" from exploitation and we want to be "free" from a ruling class dictating and controling every part of our lives. This is the class character of our "freedom".
The bourgeoisie has the freedom in their hands now in most countries. They have the "freedom" to exploit, control and dictate things to us. They have the "freedom" to send the police or army against us when we get organised. When is the time of "our" freedom?