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Quran Revolution

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Part of being about to recite Quran is giving each letter it

Quran Revolution
1 month ago - 111 likes

Surah Fatiha is also known as:

Quran Revolution
1 month ago - 112 likes

Muadh Ibn Jabal said: There will come a time when wealth will increase and Quran will be available for the believer and the hypocrite, the male and the female, the young and the old, the slave and the free ones, so it may happen that someone would say: "What is with people that they do not follow me although I have read the Qur'an. So let me introduce something that pleases them. So be warned of what he introduces, as what he introduced in deviance. And I warn you of the mistakes of the wise ones...
(Sunan Abu Dawood)
Shaikh Munajjid commented:
- Look at the case of many recitors and huffaz of Quran.
- Look at those people who hold phds and give fatawas to please the people.
- Look at those who take fatwa from people only if they have popularity.
-Follow Muadh's guidance when you find any mistake of the scholar you follow.
- It is obligatory on the people to leave the mistake of the scholar and to not follow it.
Husn at-Tasarruf, Shaikh Al-Munajjid

Quran Revolution
1 month ago - 68 likes

How many Duas, which are verses of Surah Baqarah, are included in the collection of 40 Rabbana?

Quran Revolution
1 month ago - 266 likes

Imam ash-Shafi رَحِمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ said:
“If you want to rectify your heart, or want to see betterment in your child or companion or whoever it is for that matter, then direct them to places where the #Quran is recited and direct them to be in the company of the Qur’an.
Allah will then cause them to become better, whether they are willing to it or not.”
[Hilyat al-awliya’ 9/123]

Quran Revolution
4 months ago - 433 likes

❝May Allah have mercy over the person who speaks little, reads the Quran, weeps over his lost time, constantly gazes into Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and worships Allah before he is surprised by death.❞
- Imam adh-Dhahabi (raḥimahullāh)

Quran Revolution
5 months ago - 274 likes

The time between Fajr and Sunrise
“The Salaf (rıghteous predecessors) disliked that one sleeps between the times of Fajr and sunrise because it is the time of gain and the distribution of provision and blessings (by Allah).”
- Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله
(Madaarij As-Saalikeen (457/1))
"The cure of the heart is found in 5 elements: Reading Qurān and reflecting upon it, having an empty stomach (eating less), Qīyam Al Layl (Night prayer), Supplication prior to sunrise, and the company of the righteous"
- Ibrahīm Al Qawās رحمه الله

Quran Revolution
5 months ago - 199 likes

Main Focus of Surah An-Naba'a is:

Quran Revolution
5 months ago - 340 likes

"If anyone prays at night reciting regularly ten verses, he will not be recorded among the negligent; if anyone prays at night and recites a hundred verses, he will be recorded among those who are obedient to Allah; and if anyone prays at night reciting one thousand verses, he will be recorded among those who receive huge rewards.''
- The Prophet (ﷺ) said
[ Sunan Abi Dawud]

Quran Revolution
5 months ago - 138 likes

Which is the longest verse in the Quran?

Quran Revolution
5 months ago - 186 likes

What has Reached Your Heart
It doesn’t matter where you’ve reached in your recitation of the Quran; what matters is where the Quran has reached in your heart.
One of the Salaf was once asked, “How much Quran should we recite?” He said, “It depends on how much happiness you want.”
7. "Reciting the Qur'ān heals the diseases of the heart just like honey heals the diseases of the body"
- Ibn Jawzi رَحِمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ
[At-Tabsīrah, (No. 79)]