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2 weeks ago - 11 likes

How's it going everybody? Thanks so much for 6K Subs, I really appreciate it.

I'm running into financial trouble once again, so I'm gonna be pursuing freelance work on the side while I make the next video. If any of you wanna help out with that, my Patreon link is next to my channel name, but please don't feel obligated to. We're all in rough times, we gotta roll with the punches.

MORE importantly, I've decided to once again push one of my longer projects to the side for now so I can work on a different one: another Owl House video! Assuming I can get it out by the end of the month, at least - I want it to be my video for Pride month, so if it doesn't get finished this year, it'll wait another year and be just as not-relevant to our lives.

Which is why I'm getting it out this year. Gotta push myself to speed up production or this is never gonna be a sustainable full-time gig. Don't feel bad about hounding me for it, either - it helps me to remember that there are people genuinely waiting for my work.

Again, thank you all so much for your continued support, you guys are amazing.

Take it easy, I'll talk at you all soon, peace.

4 weeks ago - 12 likes

I'm getting the next food video out as quick as I can, halfway through the edit so it should be done sometime next week. Thanks so much for your patience and support!!

1 month ago - 20 likes

Update on the next Invincible video: script is done, I recorded audio but it doesn't sound good so I'm gonna re-record it once my voice rests up enough. Until then, I'll get started on the edit since the recorded audio I have will still give me something to base my clips around. I plan to have it out by the 26th, knowing how my plans have gone in the past it'll probably be out by the end of the month. I'll keep y'all posted!

1 month ago - 31 likes

I finished the first draft of the new Invincible Food video's script. It's 15 pages longer than the last one.

Y'all got me to make an hour long video what have you done

2 months ago - 209 likes


2 months ago - 24 likes

We hit 4K Subscribers today.

Thank you all so much, everyone who's stuck by the channel and everyone who just recently discovered it. It's amazing to really feel like I've got a chance on this platform again even after taking a year-long break. I'm currently hard at work on my next video which I'm hoping will come out in May at the latest, preferably a lot sooner than that but I know better than to assume anything of the sort.

The last time a video of mine blew up, I made a response video shortly afterward. I could easily do the same here, but I figured I'd ask if that's something you all would even be interested in, as the Owl House response vid didn't get nearly as much mileage as a lot of my other stuff. The response video would be unmonetized, just like the last one I made.

Would y'all be interested in something like that? Or would you prefer I just move on to the next project?

2 months ago - 3 likes

Okay I know I posted a video today but honestly fuck that watch this instead:

3 months ago - 3 likes

Hey fam my niece is starting up a MC channel, hit the funny buttons for her will ya?

3 months ago - 5 likes

Hey all, hope you're doing well!

Still working on the Invincible video, I was hoping to get it out before the hiatus was over but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. It WILL be out by the end of the month to be sure, I'm almost done with the most complicated part of the edit so from there, it should be smooth sailing. Thank you all so much for being patient, keep being awesome and I hope you all enjoy what I've got in the oven.

Take it easy, be kind to yourselves. Peace.

5 months ago - 3 likes

I played Party Animals for the first time with a few friends
If you wanna see it here's a link to GhostedVixen's video, it's pretty neat: