An alcohol-free or non-alcoholic drink, also known as a temperance drink, is a version of an alcoholic drink made without alcohol, or with the alcohol removed or reduced to almost zero.
An alcoholic drink is a drink that contains the recreational drug ethanol, a type of alcohol produced by fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar. The consumption of alcohol plays an important social role in many cultures.
One in this page you can find out more variety recipe and the methods to make . All kind non alcoholic and alcohol drinks ..
A non-alcoholic mixed drink is a "cocktail-"style beverage made without alcoholic ingredients. Cocktails rose in popularity during the 1980s, and became increasingly popular in the 2000s.
Cocktails are alcoholic drinks made by mixing an alcoholic drink with soft drinks, fruit juices or other alcoholic drinks. So, it is made of two or more ingredients, ...