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just a little gray seed pod that likes video games. My Twit

10 months ago - 3.5K likes

hey everyone, just wanted to put out a little notice here explaining the lack of larken ring episodes in the past few months. basically, editmanmurph (the editor who has graciously helped me edit the bloodborne and elden ring streams) has gone radio silent and I'm not really sure what their exact situation is. I was waiting quite a while to see if they'd come back online but it's been long enough that I think I'm gonna take it upon myself to just do the last few episodes myself. it'll probably take quite a while but for those who have been asking about new episodes, they are beginning production soon.

murfy if you're out there, or if anyone knows what their situation is, I'd love to hear from you! I'd also ask if you don't know please to respect their privacy in case they are going through anything sensitive; don't go hunting if you don't have any info basically. we of course hope that they are safe and sound and doing well and wish them nothing but the best.

1 year ago - 3.2K likes

hey folks just a kind of odd heads up here. y'all are probably gonna see quite the influx of Street Fighter videos in the time between now and the release of Street Fighter 6... like maybe one a week or every couple of weeks. I'm not normally one to chase trending games but I figure we have a basically perfect setup to SF6 what with our little "work our way through roughly the greatest hits of the Street Fighter-pertinent side of Capcom history up until now" series that's been going on for a while now.

stuff like the Marvel video will probably be super long, like maybe a Larken Ring episode type long. to keep down on bloat of the sheer number of Street Fighter videos I'll be lumping certain things together. there'll be one big video for all three (really four) Marvel vs. Capcom games as well as one that contains both CVS 2 and Capcom Fighting Evolution(still debating whether I should do that one).

to the tiny, tiny amount of stragglers who still care enough to read to this point, I've also dropped a couple games from the lineup I initially announced. both games I was on the fence about already and dropped for various reasons. they are Street Fighter X Tekken (partially because this game has been unavaliable for purchase on Steam for what, like almost a year now? like I could emulate it but this whole thing just makes me not want to, especially because I don't have the first clue how to emulate DLC on an Xbox 360 or a PS3 game) and Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (which while I know is reportedly a Fun Video Game I just really don't care much for playing it if it doesn't have the fun distinctive style of the old ones). sorry to any fans of those games, I'll still talk about them a bit probably!

thank you for attending my TED talk and normal content rate to return in June hopefully.

EDIT: to be clear there will also be other stuff in the mix as well. just not as much as before

1 year ago - 2.1K likes

As some of you may have noticed from the end of the most recent video, I now have a Patreon! I promise not to make it this annoying invasive thing that interrupts videos, the most it'll be seen is the occasional incidental mention if it ever comes up in conversation as well as the list of 10$ tier credits at the end of each video.

If you'd like to support the channel, check out the link below! It's set to work on a monthly basis and at time of writing we have a 1$ tier for those who just wanna toss some schmeckles my way out of the goodness of their hearts, a 5$ tier that gets you into the Patreon Discord server where I post behind-the-scenes stuff and do occasional watch party streams, and a 10$ tier that gets all of the above as well as your Patreon username in the credits of my main channel videos. If you don't wanna, that's totally chill, but huge thanks to those who do!

1 year ago - 282 likes

some people have asked what streams comprise the 2 exceptions that did not make it onto the VOD channel. thankfully both of them ended up being re-done eventually! there's also one that was presumed lost but eventually was found and uploaded!

the first was my original attempt to do a Half-Life 2 "Speedrun"... in which I didn't know any speedrunning tricks, tried to actually do the entire game in one stream (when I ended up re-doing it I just did it as a series of streams which is why the word "Speedrun" in the main channel edit's title has such a ludicrous amount of quotation marks around it), and the entire thing was plagued by technical issues, the main ones being that the mic audio and gameplay audio were desynced by a lot, and the internet kept cutting out, leaving huge chunks of the VOD lost to time and requiring me to, if I wanted to upload the VOD, stitch together what was probably like 6 hours of footage together, so in the end, I just decided to scratch the whole thing and try it again some other day. my eventual stream series of the game and main channel ended up being MUCH funnier and better quality, and I'm very proud of how well the main channel video did in particular.

the VOD series:
the main channel edit:

the second one was a stream of my old Flash animations, which quite simply put just had a lot of personal information show up in it that I wasn't comfortable releasing. I eventually re-streamed this in a format that didn't have that same issue.

the VOD:

BONUS: this stream was lost for quite some time (I think I literally just forgot to upload it) but I found the file randomly at one point and decided there was no good reason not to upload it. it was an Ultimate Smash Bastards stream with Lark and involved us doing the infamous Isabelle fishing pole assist trophy glitch before it got patched out of the game. since the VOD was lost for so long, it never ended up getting a main channel edit!

the VOD:

1 year ago - 1.9K likes

did you know I have a VOD channel? it's true. I've obsessively catalogued every stream I've ever done (with like 2 exceptions I think) and organized them in a handy-dandy Google Sheets spreadsheet for the convenience of my viewers. this channel has existed for quite some time but I just felt like bumping it because besides a copy-pasted section of every main channel description, I don't really acknowledge it here very often at all! there are TONS of games on there that never see the light of day on the main channel, even in Twitch Scraps, even though they're plenty entertaining on their own.


If you are looking for a specific game or series, *CLICK INSIDE THE SPREADSHEET* and do a Ctrl+F search for your game of choice. Flash games are linked to in a separate spreadsheet at the top. This sheet also includes extra details, status on whether I've finished the game or not, platforms, and other such particulars. Enjoy!

1 year ago - 683 likes

hey folks! news flash. as I stated in my most recent video, the Jojo's podcast is dead.

my personal interest in stream-reading through the entire series dwindled pretty hard in the middle of Part 5 and I have no real desire to do more, especially after my VOD channel got a copyright *strike* (which is different and more severe than a copyright *claim*) for doing a Part 8 chapter. I was so worried about my VOD channel getting taken down for copyright BS that I moved all those VODs to a separate channel, which admittedly ended up becoming the graveyard of the series. plus, editing through the first couple parts for main channel videos was pretty low workload as they're so short, but anything from Part 3 onward was going to be a huge undertaking for relatively low payoff.

so, sorry about that! I usually try to finish what I started but it doesn't always work out that way. here are links to all the available grayfruit/jjba/podcastey stuff that exists if you still have the thirst, because I'm sure plenty of you only saw the 2 main channel videos!

The 2 main channel edits for Parts 1 and 2:

VODs of all the Parts I did end up covering (Phantom Blood through Diamond is Unbreakable and a little bit of Vento Aureo):

My reading/reaction of the finale chapter of Part 8 (this is the one that got a copyright strike so it's on Vimeo):

And bonus, I was a guest on the pre-existing Jokakaka podcast a couple of times, so here's those!

again, sorry about quitting this series, but at a certain point I figured it would be no fun for anyone if I just forced myself to plow through it, so I just decided to nix it. *maybe* at some point I will do a finale for the series just to talk about a few points I wanted to say about the later parts, or just general impressions, but don't count on it cuz I'm not feeling like doing that any time soon. thanks for understanding!

2 years ago - 3.2K likes

hey folks, got a minute to give me some feedback? as some of you already know Lark and I have just been absolutely mainlining Elden Ring over on the VOD channel lately... we're sitting at 25 streams of it so far, and most of those streams are 3+ hours long, and we're not even done with the game yet. all this is to say there's a TON of footage to be made into edited episodes.

my small problem is this: I really don't wanna be flooding everyone's timeline with Elden Ring for the next year, and am thinking I want to compress the series somewhat so it ends up with roughly the same if not fewer episodes than the past Lark Souls series. I usually have a rule of each edited episode containing only footage from one VOD, but I will probably be breaking that rule with Elden Ring episodes.

this would mean individual episodes would probably never be shorter 1 hour and could get as long as 3 or 4 hours long. what I wanna know is how you all feel about that, and particularly I wanna hear those dissenting opinions if there are any. I'm sure plenty of you would be fine with this but I don't want to make a huge amount of people just quietly stop watching because of episode length.

EITHER WAY I think the episodes are destined to be somewhat long and I will almost inevitably lump some streams together rather than my usual standard of "1 stream = 1 edited video" but I guess I just wanna gauge how crazy I can go with it. share your thoughts below!

2 years ago - 3.1K likes

been a while since I've used this huh? I'd just like to issue a statement about Elden Ring as we're already getting tons of questions about it even before the game is out. the plan, should everything go right, is to stream it with Lark just like Lark Souls on this Friday (tomorrow), and then hand off the VOD to Edit Man Murph who has been helping with Blarkborne edits for processing.

while the first couple Elden Ring edits are being made, my intent is to crank out the last few Blarkborne episodes over the course of a week or two (just uploaded episode 9 a few days ago and there are 12 total streams in that series), and then immediately leap into Elden Ring edits. (Blarkborne supercut will probably come soon after the first ER edit.) I've had a few people ask what exactly the asinine Lark pun in the title will be, I'm gonna say it's probably Larken Ring, but that's not set in stone yet.

all this is to say we're about to have a bit of a Lark-heavy month. Lark fans rejoice! Lark haters despair!

there will also be other videos mixed in that aren't part of the Lark Souls lineage... got a solo Metal Slug video as well as the next in the Street Fighter series on the burner at the moment. we're probably coming up on time for another Twitch Scraps already, too!

3 years ago - 693 likes

sorry, automatically posted my own twitch instead of andrew's... invading his Hollow Knight stream!

3 years ago - 545 likes salty bet is a fun game where you bet (fake) money on fighting game characters enjoy it with me