Welcome to you my *Options Edge* Channel
Certified in Equity and Derivatives from NISM
This channel is for those people who are beginner and in advance level
who really want's to learn the basic core values of share market..
And who wants their career in Stock Market.
So welcome to my Channel
I will guide you in your trading journey and explain the dark secret of success in share market.
"This channel is only for learning and education perpose, we don't provide any paid calls.
and we are not Sebi Registered but certified in National Institute of Security Market in Equity and Derivitives(NISM-VIII)
If you are taking any entry while watching any videos so it's your own risk.
we are not liable to paid any amount of any occurrence."
For any query contact :-
TELEGRAM TEXT ME : t.me/+0u3XlvcRxPYwOTc1
INSTAGRAM : www.instagram.com/tradewithmr.x/
YOUTUBE : youtube.com/channel/UCpDJe84X_24sYe8dM0c3d2w