Thanks for your interest in independent journalism, and thereby, your support for TATN News and Entertainment. "From the people for the people." If you're "jonesing" a main stream media fix you won''t find it here.
My name is 9ine Milz , born and raised on Chicago's South side. I am a freelance writer and a deep thinker.
This Aint That Network, TATN, stand for underdogs and stand on bigots. #ERACISM. The mainstream media is both ,complicit and culpable, in the destruction of the black community vis a vis it's negative depiction of us.
On this channel you'll find weekly podcast, "The Self Luv Show", featuring black professionals, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, activist, and other good citizens. We also have a 2nd weekly Live stream, "Mouthpiece Included", where we do a sports/ political fusion. Giants wake up! SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!
Let’s re-BUILD🦍✊🏿❤️
9ine Milz (W/ a cam in my slingshot)
Cash app $9ineMilz