Tom’s Story.... ( or the Man with the white beard ) … far……
From a very early age I have sung and entertained. Later I gained a stronger voice by singing in the underground trains in berlin and on many events.With these extreme forms of pressure on the voice box I have developed my own unique voice and a deep refined bass also, that rivals none! I have gained one of the deepest voice on this planet and to quote some sources “ very few can hit that baseline like Tom can! “ I survived a brain tumor in late 2016 and multiple head operations there after. I was not allowed to sing for two years due to medical reasons and to allow my body and mind to recover!
When corona hit the world in the lockdown in early 2020 I came up with the idea of #thelivelivingroomproject and #tompreusslive.
I am writing new songs in a new and healthy inspiring environment, so watch this Space for News! and don’t forget to check regularly on our Guest Book Page on my Website
Thank you