Hello, my name is Vladislav Ĺ andala. I am regular guy, with regular story until 25.November 2022. This day changed my life. Doctors diagnosed sigma colon cancer with metastasis to liver. Story is even more sadly because doctor tell me this news only 1 month after my son has born. I fighting with it, but every 10 seconds of each minute I am thinking about it. And this is The main reason why I start youtube channel. I could chose to watch every film on streaming media, but I like to create something with my hands so I decide to building wooden/plastic models and make some tutorials. When I working on models I don't think about cancer. Primary I will focus on video about building models, but it may happend that I will add some cooking recipe video for my favorite dishes.
This is my first channel so I am still learning. I hope that quality of content will be good. If you will see some place for improvement, please send me message or directly comment video.
Thank you for your supports.