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Antranik Kizirian

101K subscribers - no pronouns set

Welcome! My name is Antranik and I'm passionate about all th

Antranik Kizirian
1 month ago - 19 likes

Hey there! I'm in the process of overhauling my website and one of the things I realized is that I haven't officially collected any testimonials over the 10+ years I've been doing this!

You could write about anything: from the YouTube video tutorials & yoga flows, to the blog posts on my site, to the reddit posts & motivational months, to the premium programs, and so forth.

I've received so many good comments over the past 10+ years. so I know you're out there!

Just fill it out here:

Antranik Kizirian
2 months ago - 47 likes

Happy Sunday y’all!

Antranik Kizirian
2 months ago - 4 likes

It has been nearly 9 months since I released this video on how to achieve more than 10+ pullups in a set. Did it work for you? Please share your results!

Antranik Kizirian
2 months ago - 4 likes

Do you use Instagram?

Antranik Kizirian
3 months ago - 48 likes

If you want to lose WEIGHT, the overarching factor that will dictate whether you see the scale show lower numbers or not is if you’re eating less calories than you need on average through the week.


You want to lose FAT! (and not muscle and strength!)

So to achieve a HIGH-QUALITY weight loss, you must do 2 things in addition to a caloric-deficit:

1. DO STRENGTH TRAINING because if you don’t keep sending the signal to your body that it needs to USE the muscles, then it will break down muscle tissue in a deficit. Nature is very efficient: Use it or lose is magnified when resources are limited.

Whether you train with weights or bodyweight exercises doesn’t matter, as long as you’re choosing compound exercises with intensities difficult enough where 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps are very challenging by the final rep and you do it 3 days a week. Also, just 1x/week is WAY better than nothing!

2. PRIORITIZE EATING MORE PROTEIN because you don’t have a way to store excess protein (unlike fat). And in a deficit, if you’re not getting enough protein, it will pull it from the only place it exists: Your muscle cells!

Protein is needed for the function of EVERY cellular process so it WILL pull it from your muscles if there’s not enough to go around (especially if you’re not training!)

- Foods high in protein are meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and soy-beans/tofu. (And of course, protein powder.)

- People struggle with this but the solution is simple: double up the protein portion of meals. And if you’re eating out, TELL THEM TO DOUBLE THE PROTEIN. It’s just a few bucks more and totally worth it. (If you’re tracking, achieve >0.7g/lb of bodyweight.)

- The polar-opposite of a high-quality-weight-loss is something like a water or juice-fast. It will result in rapid fat AND muscle loss, and your physique will ultimately look like shit after.

So, if you want to lose WEIGHT, great! But if you want your physique to look fantastic afterwards because you preserved those hard earned muscles, make sure you’re eating enough protein and keep training!

Hope you found this helpful and if you have any questions, please ask!

Antranik Kizirian
3 months ago - 4 likes

Have your efforts for resolving stiffness caused by working on the computer been successful? (Feel free to share your thoughts on why or why not!)

Antranik Kizirian
4 months ago - 0 likes

Hey everyone! I'm hosting an L-sit Motivational Month! This is one of the simplest and best bodyweight exercises to master. It requires zero equipment (just the floor!) and builds a tremendous amount of core, hip flexor and, shoulder-depression strength. It can illuminate weak links as well as it forces you to compress (which we can help bust through). It's very gratifying to achieve and overcome these hurdles.

This L-sit challenge is being hosted on my discord server here:

Go in there to join the community and get ALL THE INFO ON HOW TO START!

PS: If L-sit is too easy for you, I got suggestions for you, too.

Antranik Kizirian
4 months ago - 73 likes

My mom just sent me a pic of me when I was around my son Niko's age (2-3months old). The resemblance is blowing my mind! It's like 40 years later, I AM REBORN.

Antranik Kizirian
5 months ago - 7 likes

Hey everyone i have a new blog post on how I've discovered the magic of FocusMate to produce hyper-focused, deep-work sessions: something I always strived to achieve but rarely used to and now it's the norm! Click the link below to read how and why it works!