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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 2 weeks ago

Hard to see but a MASSIVE white celestial dragon in the sky as I drove back to work from lunch yesterday. It's skull is on the right behind the sign, its vertebrae above the wires. If you zoom in you can see it better 🐲🐉🤍✨ Beautiful pure power and support for us all through these initiations and rebuilds, 1st eclipse gate next week! Deep subconscious purging, releasing limits 💎🤍✨ Blessed equinox and eclipse season all 🙏💫⚡

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 1 month ago

Hello there bright soul,

Wow it is August of 20204 already, this year is flying at lightspeed! Are you feeling the effects of the quickening in your life? How are these energies treating you so far this year? These accelerations can give us sensations of whiplash from the sheer G force as even more rapidly as we quantum jump through shifts, changes and surprise endings or beginnings. It is so important to breathe deeply and ground ourselves into the Earth as we are flying forward, to take a lesson from the Tree people, root deep to rise high.
The Universe has a way of gifting us abundantly to balance the intensity with increased access to photonic light for heart opening, sensations of pure love and magic, healing, miracles and collaborations, though these can be subtle and we must be in a frequency of present moment awareness through the heart in order to hear. When we focus and align our heart with our higher mind the results can be instantaneous, but we must exert the mastery to align with this.
Have you noticed that despite the chaos "out there" more and more people are awakening? Of course this is not being broadcast on any mainstream media but if you look, you can see humanity ascending left and right all around you whether out on the street, the local grocer or in online forums. This is the nature of contrast, to shake us up out of amnesia. What appears to be one thing is a holistic upgrade to push us out of comfort zones into the expansive and often explosive qualities of a star being born.
This year we are celebrating more and more souls awakening to their solar consciousness than ever before. August brings the 888 gates to us to remember our golden truths, the kernels of authentic self nestled deeply within the petals of our hearts. These soul seeds are ready to come forth and be nurtured by the divine golden crystalline solar energies to awaken. This crystalline solar logos energy is a golden, honey amber plasma flowing, containing both the heavenly Mother and Father frequencies to support our sacred rebirth as bright souls here on Earth.
Are you intrigued by the higher dimensional qualities of our Sun, wanting to know more about these healing energies and how to work with them, how to support your lightbody and physical body more during these times? Did you know that all the ancient ones before us were Sun worshippers who worked with the solar light energies daily through their bodies and consciousness for illumination, healing, technology and evolution?
Can you feel the inherent magic and empowerment pulsing through the word Solarian? This is because you are a Solarian! This is an aspect of your soul which expresses as a unique crystalline droplet of divine consciousness as YOU, a mini Sun walking around here on Earth. Through the years becoming a Solarian we have received beautiful wisdom, tools and lightbody technologies to support humanity awakening to these expanded aspects and are delighted to offer our work with these scared cosmic energies to nourish your process.
To celebrate this sublime opportunity I am offering 50% of all solar consciousness courses to support the embrace between Earthly and Heavenly realms merging into one unified heart, thought and expression.

The Council of Solar Rishi is my first solar course which came through as I was experiencing a lot of intense upgrades with the solar flares in 2020. This course introduces us to these Solar Rishi, Solar Logos interdimensional consciousness beings who share wisdom for our physical bodies, nervous system and lightbodies. They are like yogic fatherly guides from the Sun who work with the Solar angels to assist us through the ascension process. They love science and this course contains fascinating cosmic spaceweather information and resources so we can become empowered and aware of our cosmic weather. This course contains activations, videos and a spaceweather ebook
Spaceweather is what creates our local regional weather on Earth, so it is very important to step up, expand our awareness and watch the cosmic weather reports. Use coupon code Soular24 more details & registration here…

Remembering Solaria is a mastery course with activations, videos and a Lightbody phase ebook to connect with your crystalline soul and activate these Solar DNA codons. This is a massive dive into the solar cosmic crystal soul energies, Use coupon code Soular24
more details & registration here…

Enjoy these golden freequencies broadcast through the activational art, guides, Lyrans, plant beings, andara in this post. Once you connect to the essence of this special solar energy you will see it everywhere. Breathe them into your heart and raydiate them through your entire body, flowing through you and spiraling into the fields all around you. There is so much here for us and we have to shut out the noise from outside to listen deeply and receive the blessings.
Welcome to the peak of solar energy during this sacred month of August! I love you.

In loving service,
Merissa Indigo AvataRa AshaRa

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 1 month ago

Dahlia inspires my heart to burst open into an explosion of lovelight. Every year this dahlia gifts her blooms around Lions Gate ✨🎉 🦁 In various soul bloom phases, a message from each bud as it transforms from fist to flower, here we observe the contrasting elements of dynamic softness, tension and stages of opening as symbols of our awakening journey. I reflect upon these qualities and observe where I am also in various stages of wide open, tense, or tight/not yet "ready" within as more elements unfold. Honoring where the tension or tenderness is, following the ache to uncover more, love self more. Sharing the love messages from this beautiful wisdom keeper and Gaia's bright freequencies, a soular sunrise of the heart 🌅

Lionsgate Blessings all 🙏🦁💥⚛

In loving service,

Merissa Indigo

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 1 month ago

Cut the cords, ascend into these freequencies waiting to receive us🙏

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 3 months ago

Gorgeous heart,



But how are we to reclaim our true sense of self?

How do we find our path again amidst the chaos?

The illusions of our old belief systems are crumbling fast. We are seeing the lies from those we thought had our best interests at heart.

We have played small too long. And held ourselves back. We have lost our connections to self and to our Mother Earth. It is time to make our way home.



My dear friend and colleague, Amanda Kulbaba has created a powerful new Global Summit in which 20 extraordinary Shamans, Healers, Artists, and Wisdom Keepers from around the world will offer their expertise & guide us in remembering our Sacred Heritage and Self.

You are invited to attend:

🔥You Are The Cosmos🔥

A Remembrance of Your Mastery and The Power Of Your Sacred Abilities

Global Summit June 17th - 21st, 2024

Click here to join now free!

I’m delighted to be one of the featured speakers in You Are The Cosmos. The topic I’ll speak about is: Trinity Heart Gateway of Divine Soul, Gaia & Solaris

All topics included in You Are The Cosmos are to inspire, support, connect, and help you remember your own brilliance and sacred abilities. ~ To allow you to discover your personal power and embrace your highest potential!

Each Speaker will lead us into a scared space, where together, we will reclaim our memories from the forgotten realms within our beings. To embrace the cosmic codes within our cell’s memories.

They will offer you insight, meditations, wisdom, exercises, and ways to open yourself to the deeper parts of you to reclaim your sacred abilities.

So that we can together, shift and ascend with Mother Earth, finding our joy and passion in the dance of Universal Energies. We are Creators and we are Brilliant and Radiant!

As we come together we remember our brilliance and the light we have to shine on all of humanity.

You can attend You Are The Cosmos completely FREE!

Click Here to register for free to You Are The Cosmos

I can’t wait to see you there!

In loving service,
Merissa Indigo Miracles

P.S. ~ The interviews, wisdom transmissions, and practices that we’ll share during You Are The Cosmos …

Will open your senses to new worlds and realms of yourself: your thought, mystery, depths, and experience of the self to usher in our highest potential of a peaceful and loving world.

You’ll be guided and inspired to open to new ideas and perspectives to align with your higher self and to your highest abilities!

You definitely don’t want to miss this 💖

The Live Broadcast begins on June 17th, 2024.

Click here to register now

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this information to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ✨✨✨

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 4 months ago

What does the Sun, Solar activity, increasing photonic light and whispers of “preparation for the Solar flash” have to do with activating our evolution and Divine DNA? The solar activity continues to ramp up with more consistent solar flares which are increasing in strength. Rather than one solar flash event, they are happening monthly and sometimes almost daily in order for us to acclimatize our bodies safely. These waves stimulate the activation of our Solar body, an aspect of our Lightbody which is charged by Solar light. Humanity at large is getting their glow up, an evolutionary transition to becoming a Lightbeing, or Homo Luminous. Ancient cultures have different names for this inLIGHTened Humanity from the wisdom of the East in Tibet and India, to Egypt, the Maya & Inca, Native American Indians. The Raydiant body, the Rainbow body, the Avatar, the Shining Ones, the Lightbeings, the Starpeople, Children of the Sun. Activating these new energies within us can be an intense experience on emotional, psychological and physical levels too. We can experience headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, brain fog, bone aches, alternating chills and heat as a result of this extreme radiation from the Sun. This is not something to fear. In fact, when I was feeling strong mortal fear during some peak solar activity in April of 2021 was right when the Solar Rishi, beings of the Sun came to visit to assist me. They first came to me when my human mind was freaking out in response to the intensity of physical pain of the physical ascension process. They answered my call for help and began their lightcode downpour of intel for us all to thrive in the New Light.
They are relative in mission and energy signature to the Kin Ahau, the beings of Mayan cosmology who live in the multidimesional Sun center to support the ascension of consciousness here on Gaia. They may even be the same group of enlightened Golden Soular beings, this is just how they presented to my consciousness when I was laying in the sun at the pool trying to alleviate the immense pain in my spine, bones, behind my eyes/sinus and molars with the warmth of the sun during the intense solar activity in April, 2021. The presented as silhouettes against a blazing golden solar plasma of the sun and have a generous, loving and supportive energy of lion heart courage, the pure joy of Christ consciousness. They are ancient, wise and have a fatherly affection for all of us on Earth.
The Council of Solar Rishi shared tons of amazing information, tools to embody the light, and tasked me to bring forth information for Humanity to know that we were made for this amazing opportunity to evolve, live from our heart and soul, and glow. At first I was doubtful, then they told me to research all the ancient cultures who worshipped the Sun, and I share the astounding results of this research in depth through these attached articles, books, video transmissions and mastery courses. I delved deeply through ancient history and discovered that all of our ancient DNA roots have this Solarian aspect, where our Solar cells activate. We are each Solarians, its just a matter of our light quotient getting amplified by resolving duality/separation/density/corruption within. Ancient cultures were very connected to the Sun, our planet and encoded many esoteric paths to unity consciousness, scattering clues to embody ascension frequencies of both our consciousness and physical bodies for us to explore.

The Council of Solar Rishi share rituals to increase light quotient as well as our ability to assist loved ones, pets, & community surf the space weather waves to safely integrate these daily increases of intense photonic light we are currently receiving from Our Beloved Sun, Solaris. My work is distilled with loving service to share wisdom from the Solar cultures of antiquity. Here is a gifted or free ebook download to explore the Council of Solar Rishi and enjoy the practices they share for us to work with sunlight, understanding where the death urge comes from neurochemically to decompress it, becoming competent with spaceweather as this is what impacts our regional or local weather. Our sovereignty requires knowledge from the micro to the macro.…

ALL Solar COURSES are 50% OFF at the online mystery school with code SOULAR24
Here is the link to this awesome full mastery course with more details about what we cover. Council of Solar Rishi…

Two years after this initial contact with the Solar Rishis we received an expansion of Solar wisdom codes with regards to our DNA from them again, this time on a road trip through Mt Shasta during the Summer Soulstice in 2023. Remembering Solaria was the keycode received with a solar cross photo we took in the forest, which we share pictures of throughout the materials. This became the source code for my course & book Remembering Solaria: The codex of Solar Cosmic Sophia Christ DNA. This is the next layer, an in depth guide to Solar activity, Spaceweather, preparation for the solar flash & how this relates to Divine DNA & Ascension Energy.
Here is a gifted ebook download connected to this course which touches on the initial Solarian cell codes and an intro to spaceweather…

Here is the link to the full Remembering Solaria course and more details about what we cover. It is 50% off with code SOULAR24…

Full article on my blog, yt keeps it short. Thank you for your support and love. We are each supported through this and have to do our part within to align and activate the codes. When it doesn’t seem like we have support, it is because we have to tune our frequency dial out of that emotional distress in order to hear the guidance. The very basics of quantum mechanics teach us we cannot create the solution from the same level of the problem. Rise up. Elevate and then ask. There are so many angels, guides, ancestors and lightbeings in human form too, all here for you. An open heart will bring it all through. Together we can achieve new realities aligned with divine love and divine law. Injoy

With love,
Merissa Indigo

Founder of DDB Mystery school
Dove Oracle Priestess
Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist
Heart-centered living wayshower & mystic writerHoly Fire III Reiki masterDoctor of Divinity in Metaphysics

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 4 months ago

Amithaba Buddha of Infinite Light ✨🙏 To inspire deep peace, love and faith in ourselves, our souls and HUmanity. Backdrop of sacred Thunder mountain where the Thunder beings/Gods share the codes of empowerment, sovereignty, intentional BEingness. It has been a few years since being here in Sedona and as we approached the stupa here I felt my heart open wider, tears in my eyes as we stepped into a sacred current of intention set forth by SO many souls for world peace, world enlightenment, liberation & abundance stronger than ever before in history. Feeling the desire of so many for the end of suffering and all pain caused by distortion is very emotional as this is a shared dream that we are each awakening within and throughout. Walking into this energetic river of prayers, stepping with the heartbeats of so many around the world throughout time who share a soulful, heartful desire for HUmanity to know itself as love. For world peace and divine reunion to reign supreme. This desire is so strong, its power stronger than any distortion and drums a song of homecoming frequencies for ALL. This mutual soulful desire for HUmanity is rising more than ever before collectively and we rejoice in knowing this by feeling it through our body. What a joy to see, feel HUmanity begin to rise globally after "waiting" for this time for aeons. We came here for these times to stabilize this rising, to love, laugh and hold the integrity through the contractions of rebirth. We ask daily now for ease and grace for all beings as they awaken into the higher realms inside. The quaking and shaking inside backed by the potent undercurrent energies of divine loving support. May all feel this and know this. In our sacred hearts we are as ONE. We got this shift! Love to you dear soul light family, angels and archangels in form 🙏💖

In loving service,
Merissa Indigo

Offerings & goodies ✨
More ways to gather, connect and travel more deeply on your journey

ALL Solar COURSES 50% OFF at the online mystery school with code SOULAR24
Solar sale 50% off all Solar consciousness & solar spaceweather mastery courses including the Council of Solar Rishi Use COUPON CODE Soular24…

Remembering Solaria Cosmic Sophia Christ 50% off Use COUPON CODE Soular24

We have built an extensive course library at the DDB online mystery school to assist with the awakening journey whether for the body and breath or movement, dna clearing, working with solar aspects, meeting and collaborating with star family aspects, unearthing your divine blueprint true north compass, activating your intuitive gifts to become more clairvoyant and beyond.

EVERYTHING IS SACRED Private community of wayshowers to assist you to embody the sacred in every area of your life! Hosted on Mighty Networks Mastery. Monthly Level Courses, private webinars & group support, an opportunity to build conscious connections with like minded souls in a private community.
1st month only $3.99! Details here

Gifted ebook True North to explore your astrology and other soul divine blueprints here…

Keep in touch! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter…

Free Tai Qi Gung membership to connect with your inner power and experience yourself as an energetic being!

About Merissa Indigo
Merissa leads through the heart with excitement, humor and passion for our human potential, esoteric quantum physics and alternative healing. As a blue ray Indigo Sapphire light technician, her insatiable thirst to explore all subjects related to health, our inherent human potential, the essence of consciousness, space weather, Earth-based indigenous traditions and sciences drives her daily work for humanity. At the age of 8 she experienced her first major awakening in the hospital after a near death experience from long term steroid medication which was prescribed for an autoimmune disorder. A metaphysician since early childhood initiations with angels and star family to resurrect her soul purpose mission, Merissa has accumulated a library of knowledge combined from life experience and study. Her background ranges from energy medicine, quantum mechanics, Ayurveda, gridwork, oracle transmissions and galactic elemental shamanism activated from her travels around the globe to receive codes from medicine elders and sacred sites. Merissa enthusiastically shares a wide range of wisdom and custom solutions or light systems to support humanity home during the shift into heart-centered wholeness, joy and connection. She serves as a bridge to New Earth soul-level embodied living with the Sophia Seraphim, Rose Council and Emerald Ray of Gaia Sophia. Her practice combines a variety of mystic traditions from all over the world both geographically on the grid and throughout the Akash, enabling her clients to experience an expansion of consciousness, transformation and actively engage in heart-centered living and healing on all levels. Her soul stream sessions are soul level readings in the oracle state which provide a deluge of information with practical custom systems to support mastery on the journey.

Book your quantum soul akash or evolutionary astrology soul session here…

Success Stories & Testimonials…

Show some Love ~Donations Venmo at MerissaIndigoM or Paypal at Merissaindigo @ gmail

#ascension #consciousness #diamondlightbody #newearth #stargate #awakening

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 4 months ago

Vivid bright green and gold lightbody nutrition energies to nourish heart and soul ✨ Drinking the rays through the optic nerve and straight into the spinal cord, cerebellum, stem cells and dna we hear. Supporting deep releases and cracking open to embrace higher truths, divine missions, new gifts/abilities/abundance and greater love taking root to replace the old. Ride the waves of Pluto retro and all these awesome X & M class flares dear family, let er rip 🙏 ♥ 🔥🧲💫

Love and courage to you,

Merissa Indigo

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 5 months ago

Sharing Lisa's wisdom about the physical aspects of ascension and the mastery we are collectively returning to steward, a homecoming to embodied higher self <3

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Merissa Indigo Soul Embodiment Guidance
Posted 5 months ago

If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what do you desire to bring forth from within to light up the world? Your own life? What do you see for the world to come together, live in abundance, to heal and be free? How can this be activated within to be the change we wish to see? Where are excuses or a perceived lack of something holding you back? Where can we do what seems hard? We are breaking illusions each day. The future is built in each now, through pure imagination, inspiration, divine desire and prayers of your sacred heart. In truth, the darkness we face or see is met in equal measure with the light even when it may be challenging to see beyond despair. In truth, both exist simultaneously. Our focus is powerful! We are the dream awakened with every gaze and breath.
I love you.

In loving service,

Merissa Indigo Miracles

Offerings & goodies ✨
More ways to gather, connect and travel more deeply on your journey

ALL Solar COURSES 50% OFF at the online mystery school with code SOULAR24
Solar sale 50% off all Solar consciousness & solar spaceweather mastery courses including the Council of Solar Rishi Use COUPON CODE Soular24…

Remembering Solaria Cosmic Sophia Christ 50% off Use COUPON CODE Soular24

We have built an extensive course library at the DDB online mystery school to assist with the awakening journey whether for the body and breath or movement, dna clearing, working with solar aspects, meeting and collaborating with star family aspects, unearthing your divine blueprint true north compass, activating your intuitive gifts to become more clairvoyant and beyond.

EVERYTHING IS SACRED Private community of wayshowers to assist you to embody the sacred in every area of your life! Hosted on Mighty Networks Mastery. Monthly Level Courses, private webinars & group support, an opportunity to build conscious connections with like minded souls in a private community.
1st month only $3.99! Details here

Gifted ebook True North to explore your astrology and other soul divine blueprints here…

Keep in touch! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter…

Free Tai Qi Gung membership to connect with your inner power and experience yourself as an energetic being!

About Merissa Indigo
Merissa leads through the heart with excitement, humor and passion for our human potential, esoteric quantum physics and alternative healing. As a blue ray Indigo Sapphire light technician, her insatiable thirst to explore all subjects related to health, our inherent human potential, the essence of consciousness, space weather, Earth-based indigenous traditions and sciences drives her daily work for humanity. At the age of 8 she experienced her first major awakening in the hospital after a near death experience from long term steroid medication which was prescribed for an autoimmune disorder. A metaphysician since early childhood initiations with angels and star family to resurrect her soul purpose mission, Merissa has accumulated a library of knowledge combined from life experience and study. Her background ranges from energy medicine, quantum mechanics, Ayurveda, gridwork, oracle transmissions and galactic elemental shamanism activated from her travels around the globe to receive codes from medicine elders and sacred sites. Merissa enthusiastically shares a wide range of wisdom and custom solutions or light systems to support humanity home during the shift into heart-centered wholeness, joy and connection. She serves as a bridge to New Earth soul-level embodied living with the Sophia Seraphim, Rose Council and Emerald Ray of Gaia Sophia. Her practice combines a variety of mystic traditions from all over the world both geographically on the grid and throughout the Akash, enabling her clients to experience an expansion of consciousness, transformation and actively engage in heart-centered living and healing on all levels. Her soul stream sessions are soul level readings in the oracle state which provide a deluge of information with practical custom systems to support mastery on the journey.

Book your quantum soul akash or evolutionary astrology soul session here…

Success Stories & Testimonials…

Show some Love ~Donations Venmo at MerissaIndigoM or Paypal at Merissaindigo @ gmail

#ascension #consciousness #diamondlightbody #newearth #stargate #awakening #libraeclipse

#newearth #purepresence #IAM #soul #awakening #shatterillusions #ascension #divinesoul #starseed #lightbeing #ascendedmasters #heartopening #portal #dragonyear

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