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Darren Lee

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Weekly podcast episodes with the sharpest minds in the world

Darren Lee
2 days ago - 0 likes

LinkedIn is the biggest opportunity for entrepreneurs now.

The platform has:

- The strongest community.

- The least amount of competition.

Especially compared to YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.

Enough about me.

I wanted to get the king of LinkedIn, Jasmin Alić’s opinion.

Jay has built a cult following on LinkedIn and for all the right reasons.

We chopped it up on:

- The future of LinkedIn
- How to grow on LinkedIn
- LinkedIn’s shift to video content
- Psychology in content and writing
- How to build a truly engaged audience

If you want to build a brand and business in 2024, this podcast is for you.

Full episode is below👇

Darren Lee
6 days ago - 2 likes

How to manage patience, setbacks, and failure.

Things don’t always go according to plan:

- Shit breaks
- Plans fall apart
- Things go wrong

It’s not about what happens.

It’s about how you react to the situation.

The latest episode of Road to Endure goes deep into patience, setbacks and playing the infinite game.

Check out the full episode below👇

Darren Lee
1 week ago - 25 likes

Today marks two years after quitting alcohol.

My life improved in every conceivable metric the second I quit.

For most of my 20s, I swayed through life.

Not really progressing, but not really falling behind.

I was just existing in a low level haze.

I spent half the week planning the party.

The other half was spent recovering from the party.

On 27th June 2022, I flew from Ibiza to Singapore after putting down (another) heavy week.

On a 17 hour flight, I literally said:

“F*ck that”

Then I started to build the life I wanted.

Not that I was assigned.

In the past two years, I:

- Made my first million in my 20s
- Built Voics from 0 to 7-figures ARR
- Recorded podcasts across the world
- Grew Kickoff Sessions to 38 million views
- Released over 230 podcast episodes
- Improved my health & fitness 100X
- Got engaged to my best friend

None of this would have been possible if I followed the path set.

The path I voluntarily had chosen for myself.

The same path I picked was the same path I had to break.

The best part

Alcohol was only the beginning.

The second you realise what’s possible, you see the opportunity.

This opportunity leads to results.

And results give you whatever you want.

Maybe you don’t need to quit alcohol.

But maybe, just maybe
 what you want is actually achievable if you took a break.

For me, I don’t even think about alcohol anymore.

I know exactly where I want to go.

And alcohol is definitely not at the destination.


Darren Lee
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Run like an athlete.

Lift like a bodybuilder.

Build like an entrepreneur.

Second episode of Road to Endure is stepping things up.

Running faster, lifting heavier and in (a lot) more pain.


This is the point when your big expectation meet the brutal reality.

Less glamour.

More action.

Full episode below👇

Darren Lee
3 weeks ago - 1 likes

Great marketing has changed.

It used to be about a unique mechanism.

Now it’s about justifying every dollar spent to stuffy executives.

I’m excited to host the OG of advertising Rory Sutherland on Kickoff Sessions.

I want to bring it back to the core:

What is great marketing and advertising?

We ripped it on many topics:

- Pitfalls of AI marketing
- Network effect of tech
- Building customer loyalty
- Flaws of the economic system
- Building great customer experiences

 many, many more.

If you want to learn how the greatest minds are approaching marketing, check out the full podcast below👇

Darren Lee
1 month ago - 3 likes

Hard times are on the way.

Absolutely no doubt about it.

But what’s important is your reaction to the situation.

Mo Samuels has unfortunately but consistently ran into health challenges.

Including life-threatening illnesses and nine (yes, nine
) major surgeries.

Not easy..

But, he’s been able to face it head on and overcome it.

Our podcast is a deep-dive into how to do difficult thing and face the biggest challenges in life.

- Launch the business
- Send the message
- Take the chance

 watch the full episode below👇

Darren Lee
1 month ago - 1 likes

10 timeless investing principles for online business.

Hint: It’s not just about compound interest.

Brian Feroldi has been so close to the markets as an investor for many years.


He’s also an entrepreneur and creator who’s built an audience with over 700,000 people.

He can build, write, create, and communicate concepts clearly.

 Probably better than your finance professor that failed to teach you.

Our podcast is a deep dive into the lessons you can use in all areas of business and life.

We focus on:

- Playing the infinite game

- Building a ‘wealthy’ life

- Controlling your time

- How to focus

If you’re struggling to master the mental side of business, this podcast is for you.

Darren Lee
1 month ago - 2 likes

The one-person business that no one is talking aboutđŸ€«

Alex Micol generated over $30M online at 26 years old.

Completely on his own, only working a handful of hours a week.


Now he’s on Kickoff Sessions, breaking down exactly how to do it:

- The offer
- The psychology
- The skills & tactics
- The systems & processes

In 95 minutes, Alex will teach you exactly how to go from 0 to 1.

If you’re consistently hitting revenue ceilings, this podcast is for you.

Watch the full episode below!

Darren Lee
1 month ago - 2 likes

3 proven methods to get what you want with Brad Lea.

Brad is someone who leads with action.

From the Dropping Bombs podcast with over 700 episodes, to the CEO of Lightspeed VT - the guy gets it done.

This episode is a designed to help you get out of your own way.

We dive deep into:

- Creating a positive mind
- How to solve problems
- Building relationships
- Building confidence
- Helping others
- Skill stacking

If you’re struggling to go 0 to 1 or working hard to scale, this podcast is for you.

Watch the full episode below!

Darren Lee
2 months ago - 4 likes

Bro-scaling is on the way out.

You no longer need to scale by simply adding more people.

James Kemp joins Kickoff Sessions this week to break down the harsh truths about scaling an online business in 2024.

We break down:

- The sales process
- Audience building
- Defining enough
- Scale vs. growth
- Building offers

James frequently pulls in $100K - $200K/months while limiting his working time to a handful of hours a week.

This episode will blow your mind on what’s possible when you open your eyes.

This is a super tactical 90 minutes on scaling your profits (not revenue
) without crushing your soul.

If you want to grow without the traditional guru’s advice, this episode is for you.