We have transitioned to an online Messianic Hebrew Israelite Congregation dedicated to offering the sheep the keys to understanding the holy story; that Negroes are descendants of the ancient Hebrew Israelites, the Jews/Yehudim of scripture. We believe in YAH, the Father, and the son, Yahshua Ha Mashiach (The Messiah). The bible is the history of our people & our relationship to the Creator & to the nations through the ages, but it also cites the culture (way of life) our people were given by Yah's own hand that has shaped our music, songs, dance, poetry, fashion, food and colloquial expressions (ebonics). This culture includes keeping YHWH's Sabbath, the seven (7) Holy Days and keeping the law (except for animal sacrifices). Our deepest desire is to educate all those who have an ear to hear which includes The Gentiles (Europeans & the Nations) to whom 'we will declare YAH's glory (Isaiah 66:12) as they cleave to us (the ingrafting into our Hebrew Israelite tree)'. Join us online!!