I am an Icelandic fortune teller living in Denmark. I read tarot and channel messages. The Holy Spirit delivers messages to me by showing me pictures and putting words in my mouth. Sometimes the pictures are so elaborate that they cross over to remote viewing, sometimes the words are so coherent that they cross over to automatic speaking.
I come from a bloodline of tarot readers; my mother and grandmother also read tarot. My mother even read tarot for me, while I was still in her womb.
Price list for personal readings:
1 question: 150 DKK
2 questions: 250 DKK
5 questions: 350 DKK
DKK = Danish Krone (the Danish currency)
How to book a reading:
1. Send the payment to www.paypal.com/paypalme/talismantarot
2. Send your question(s) to talisman.tarot7@gmail.com
3. You'll receive a link to a private YouTube video within 72 hours
My readings are for entertainment purposes only. I am not responsible for any decisions you make based on these readings.