To love all things is to understand all things; and that which is understood by any of us becomes a knowledge embedded in all of us...To recognize truth it is only necessary to recognize each other.
Are you heavy laden? Throw off your load. Do you understand this? Your backs are bent under the junk of property, which you came by because of your fear. You were afraid to possess your soul, so you went by the wayside and acquired property. It has been said that property is theft: I say that property is murder. The hands of dying children reach up through your bread. You beat me with your stick. You made the war. Even now you take the side of murder: no one must have your money. Your dollars become rifles: you will protect with the last drop of somebody else's blood what was never yours.
Caring is the only daring
Peace now for all men or Amen to all things
Man is not a town where things live, but a worry and a weeping of unused wings
He who comes to question himself has cared for mankind
Gentle and giving—the rest is nonsense and treason
No man's life is beautiful except in hurtless work.
He who lives in sin's fear has mistaken eternity's hour for God's year
Truth is always what they don't say
Take taking away from those who give and nobody anywhere will need anymore such gifts
"Modern scientific accomplishments"—a wealth of methods coupled with a poverty of intentions which, having nearly exhausted the hell-potential of the earth, move on now to the first frontier of the heavens.
What shall light us to murder and defile if by some chance the Laws of the State happen to get turned off?
Knowing you for what you are, Sir, if what you say is not true, I'll have no trouble at all believing it.
Yes, they've dirtied the tree, and dirtied the earth around it, but somehow I feel they won't succeed in keeping much more than the record of their own lack of spirit and humility tethered here.
God must have loved the people in power, for he made them so very like their own image of him.
Go loving, and them, with all they are or ever were, you'll overthrow
The argument of innocence can only be lost if it is won.
As bitter and far as a tiger's frown, O" rulers" of the world, so my "blessings" unto you.
Any who live stand alone in one place together.
To whomever these village fires still have meaning—may your most secret and most beautiful animal of light come safely to you.
O honor the bird that opened the word that found the world that Love might live.