in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
La vidéo est disponible en FRANÇAIS
Cette vidéo illustre 9 techniques utilisées par les artistes dans le processus créatif de leurs œuvres.
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Versione originale in ITALIANO
Le 9 tecniche utilizzate dagli artisti nel processo creativo delle loro opere
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El video está disponible en español.
El vídeo traza las técnicas empleadas por Leonardo para pintar sus obras
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The English-language video is available.
La versión en español del video estará disponible pronto.
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Grazie per la calorosa accoglienza.
The ENGLISH LANGUAGE VERSION of the video will be available very soon
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El video está disponible en español.
El vídeo traza las técnicas empleadas por Rafael para pintar sus obras: desde los estudios preparatorios sobre papel hasta la transferencia del dibujo sobre el nuevo soporte, desde las preparaciones con yeso y cola, con imprimaciones blancas y de colores, hasta la práctica de la pintura a través de sucesivas capas de color al cuerpo y al velo.
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The English-language video is available.
This video details the techniques used by Raphael to create his paintings, including: creating initial
sketches on copy paper, transferring drawings onto the final support, preparing the support
using plaster and glue, priming it using white and coloured , and finally painting using
a series of layers and glazings.
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The Artistic techniques was born in April 2000 to share experiences and knowledge in the field of artistic techniques, restoration and diagnostics applied to the painting sector. ARTEnet has conceived and promotes an innovative teaching methodology that integrates studies and research in the three different disciplines.