All are welcome to this channel which is devoted to raising emotional IQ’s by celebrating the multi-faceted wisdom and compassion of the feminine.
While all humans have male and female sides, our culture celebrates the masculine ‘doing’ energies at the expense of the softer, more related, feminine energy of ‘being’.
This hurts all of us, not just women.
Our sad, lonely cultures - where mental distress is normal - need to open up to instinctive feminine intelligence so a broad, nurturing, and humane perspective can weave wisdom and compassion into this troubled time.
Everyone would benefit - men, children, as well as women. Mother Nature would relax too!
Premasudha Janet Hobbs, a former journalist, who has spent decades studying with Eastern and Aboriginal spiritual masters, says we desperately need to acknowledge and respect the feminine spirit’s perspective…
Then, just as water makes the desert flower, many difficulties, both personal and collective, will dissolve seamlessly…