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Lisa Miller

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Your fave plant based coach 🌿

You’re not doing this properly #legcurl #hamstring #beginnertips #gymhack #gymtips Don’t skip #mobility #gymgirl No because I truly hate it #running #runninghumor #funny If you don’t know, get to know. #singleleg #unilateral #glutesworkout #glutes If you’re a woman, avoid this #gymgirl #gymbeginner #gymtips Both can be true #bodypositivity #coreworkout #6pack We can do both #minivlog #gymgirl #bottomlessbrunch I hate running xo #running #runnerstips Why does no-one ever explain this?? #gymtips #beginnergymtips #gymgirl My new love #beginnergymtips #puregym #gymgirl #gluteworkouts My life motto #beginnergymtips #motivation #runnerstips Else you won’t make any progress #progress #gymmotivation #gains #gymgirl Did you notice it? #gluteworkouts #glutegrowth #gymgirl You don’t have to ask me twice #running #runninghumour #funny 19k down, let’s go!!! #running #marathon #training #vlog Let’s flip the switch #mindset #motivation #bluemonday Get rid of your bingo wings #triceps #upperbodyworkout #pilatesarms Quality over quantity! #legday #gluteworkouts #beginnergymtips Could I get paid for this? #runnerstips #runners #socks Oh you don’t have time? #beginnergymtips #gymgirl #timestamps #upperbodyworkout Who’d have thought it? #january #gymgirl #beginnergymtips It’s not *really* 50kg I promise!! #hacksquats #legday #beginnergymtips #gymtips No, you haven’t failed #running #beginnerrunner #runningtips Less isn’t more babe x #dieting #dietingtips #nutrition Monday Reminder! #progress #weightloss #fitnessjourney If only it could last forever! #veganuary #vegan #plantbased #aldi Some great finds especially for home! #homeworkout #beginnergymtips #beginnerworkout Stop cancelling your plans!!! #dryjanuary #dieting #weightloss #weekend Vgang and high protein! #breakfast #mealprep #healthyfood #plantbased You. Don’t. Need. It. #deinfluencing #nobuy #fitness #lowbuy Step away from the bin… #christmas #newyear #dieting #weightloss I don’t make the rules #gymhumour #gymgirl #armday What’s your week looking like? #training #workoutsplit You’ve been neglecting this… #legday #beginnergymtips Can you tell what it is yet? #gluteworkouts #glutegains 11 November 2024 Gone over your cals? What now? #caloriedeficit #fatloss #weightloss Do you do this? #legday #beginnergymtips #gymgirl #formtips No wonder legs take so long #hipthrusts #gluteworkout #legday I couldn’t be less motivated to be honest with you :) #motivation #gymgirl #fitness I can’t be the only one #gymhumour #kickbacks #gymgirl #glutes Mood #hipthrusts #growyourglutes #glutes It’s a 10/10 from me #vegan #plantbased #veganprotein #plantbasedprotein #coffee I’m sorry to break it to you like this #running #runningmotivation #fitness Oh you’re going to get bulky??? #gymgirl #gymbeginner #gymnewbie #toneup How do you manage it *all*??? #fitness #balance #health #vegan #gymgirl It do be like that sometimes #lutealphase #womenwholift #ladieswholift #gymgirl #gymhumour #gymmemes Morning Routine 💆🏼‍♀️#minivlog #running #runningmotivation #motivation motivation #timestamp