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Charlie Pryor

None subscribers - no pronouns set

I'm Charlie, having fun here with a variety of great games a

Charlie Pryor
6 days ago - 135 likes

Gonna give Infection Free Zone one more chance starting mid/late next week. We’ll see how it goes.

Charlie Pryor
1 week ago - 265 likes

Just a casual reminder to the masses that if you comment on my videos promoting pirating sites, or sites that essentially promote the stealing/downloading of software from unofficial sources that circumvent or otherwise remove revenue streams from the people who actually create the games I play, you will be immediately banned. Thanks for playing. :)

Charlie Pryor
2 weeks ago - 204 likes


The bots are back again! This time though, we have a new tool to fight against it. Since we’re over 100K subs now, we’re VERIFIED, and that means no bot can actually impersonate me well, but you have to be observant. They are even trying to mimic the checkmark by using a V, but no matter what they do, they cannot get the highlighting for the name. REMEMBER I WILL NEVER USE WHATSAPP, TELEGRAM, OR ANY OF THESE OTHER APPS POPULAR WITH SCAMMERS! I only directly engage with community members with DISCORD, and only through our official server.

I have dozens of filters in place to stop this stuff, but I’ve still had to delete over 30 of these messages today, even with those filters. If you do not see a checkmark next to my name, AND the highlighting, it isn’t me. If they are asking you to do something off this platform other than joining our discord and contacting me directly in our official discord server, it isn’t me. I will NEVER administer giveaways through any other method, and I WILL NEVER REACH OUT TO YOU FIRST ON DISCORD EITHER!! I require you to message me first, from the server’s name list. it’s for your safety too. Any other instruction in the comments is NOT ME!

Stay safe out there! I’ll stay as vigilant and updated as I can to combat this stuff, but it’s an unfortunate part of growing up I guess.

Charlie Pryor
3 weeks ago - 100 likes

That giveaway idea I mentioned in a video (if you haven’t seen it yet, it was talking about the viewer drop off that happens immediately upon placing the members credits on screen).

I’d love to know how I can put out credits without getting people to leave immediately upon seeing them. I'm sure there's a way. :)

Charlie Pryor
3 weeks ago - 132 likes

Started a new project, and when that happens I like to push out a few videos fast. — Big Ambitions continues Monday, and of course, Workers Wednesday is still a thing.

Charlie Pryor
1 month ago - 136 likes

Every game I had planned to start/play in May/June has been postponed at least a month. Gonna have to try out a few things… see if anything sticks, until the planned content is possible.

Charlie Pryor
1 month ago - 193 likes

Been sick the last couple of days. Even lost my voice. That’s why I record a few days in advance! For stuff like that!

In the meantime… installed this again for the first time in like 2 years. Anyone else play?

Charlie Pryor
1 month ago - 169 likes

Depending on what my schedule looks like, and what their changelog looks like, I'll be looking at doing another attempt at Infection Free Zone in June. If the game errors out on me again though, and I run into yet another series of bugs that invalidate or otherwise ruin the fun of the run, I'll be just moving on to other titles from there.

Hope to finally enjoy a longer run with you all soon.

Charlie Pryor
1 month ago - 80 likes

It's taking a very long time to get progress enough to show you guys something meaningful in WRSR. I had a crazy idea that I thought might be interesting for you, but I have no idea, so I figured I'd ask:

If I set up a camera shot within the game pointed at Charlybinsk North, and just let it play on in a live stream... would that be interesting to any of you? It would literally be a static shot playing from my office while I'm upstairs with my daughter. No commentary, or sounds outside of what would be from the game, and you could tune in and out whenever you wanted I guess. I just need to let things get built.

I suppose the advantage to this idea is that I wouldn't really need to "do anything" with my time, but you can still at least see some progress going while I'm away. haha. Is that something interesting? Could do it Thursday(s) maybe.

(Note: I would be disabling fires while I'm away from my desk. Honestly they are really a non-issue anyways, but in the rare case where one does happen and takes down a critical structure, I want to be able to react instead of having my whole pop in an area destroyed while I'm away, so I would shut them off during these "build cam" sessions).