I'm Charlie, a dad gamer using his years of experiences and education to share high quality gaming experiences with the world in a PG-13 environment. Hope you have fun too! I'm also a media producer, voice over artist, hockey ref, and delivery driver. This channel serves as my fun away from the kids. :)
Looking for RPGs and tactical strategy sorts of games, or titles more mature?
Second channel for other great games! : youtube.com/c/CharliePryor2
BUSINESS CONTACT: charlie@pryormedia.net
DISCORD: cpry.net/discord
JOIN with YouTube, and get cool perks: youtube.com/charliepryor/join
Support Charlie on Patreon: patreon.com/charliepryor
CHECK OUT MY GAME STORE: www.nexus.gg/charlie/
Epic Creator Tag: CHARLIE
PC SPECS: You can see the components in this lazy spreadsheet: cpry.net/MyGear