Chat with friends and meet new people from all over the world. Fast, fun, easy way to communicate with friends. Send messages, photos, animated stickers and virtual gifts. Play games with new friends in the chat room, share your exciting moments. Say goodbye to loneliness and make your life more colorful!
βΊ Private Chat: Start chatting with people you already know. Follow your favorite friends to stay connected to them and to be notified when they're online and available for chatting. Send messages with emojis, fun gifts and pictures taken from gallery.
βΊ Group Chat : Create group chats, stay in touch easily with your friends. Enjoy group conversations with an unlimited number of friends.
βΊ Chat Room : Join a chatroom that you like. Meet random foreign people, talk to friends, gossip freely. Interact with others using text messages with fun emojis, pictures taken from camera or gallery, gifts, animated sticker.
and more.