Hailing from Newcastle, Australia, Eat Your Heart Out—Caitlin Henry [vocals], Andrew Anderson [guitar], Will Moore [guitar], Dom Cant [bass], and Jake Cronin [drums]— carry on the tradition of Australia’s impressive history of musical outliers from Nick Cave and Silverchair to The Amity Affliction and Parkway Drive, but they do so unequivocally on their own terms. The group’s grunge-y pastiche of emo energy, punk power, and pop palatability immediately ignited excitement around the world upon their emergence in 2012. Along the way, the quartet released three EPs, Distance Between Us (2015), Carried Away (2017), Mind Games (2018), inked a deal with Fearless Records, and have supported artists such as Trophy Eyes, Hands Like Houses, Knuckle Puck, Real Friends, and many others. Everything paved way for the group’s first full length Florescence [Fearless Records], which shows the band aren’t afraid to open up. Their lyrical honesty ensures that the message resonates loudly in the end.