Maya, 17, I’m a Furry & I collect 78s and have been since I was 12. I have a big ish collection but mostly Rock and roll. I’m all after rock and roll 78s, some older ones sometimes. Enjoy the music!.
This channel is Showcasing my 78rpm collection which is All rock and roll & Rockabilly, please note that I Will Not sell any of my 78s no matter how many times you ask. It’s not going to happen sorry. If I were to sell it would be a very special or rare thing to happen
Update: this Channel is a LGBTQ+ & a furry Safe space as I’m les and a furry. if there are any Homophobic or furry hate comments they will 100% get removed because no one deserves hate.
I also am a Fox owner!. His name is Runi. He’s unfortunately dying cuz he’s old. Update: Feb 18 RIP Runi :<