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Kyle Erickson

72.4K subscribers - no pronouns set

Products explained. Unboxing and reviewing tech products,

Kyle Erickson
1 month ago - 88 likes

Well, that happened 💸💸💸. Can't wait to dig into these for you guys! What has you most excited about these newest iPads?

Kyle Erickson
1 month ago - 59 likes

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know there's no video this week, as I went for little mini-vacation for my birthday. I'll be back next week, but until then, enjoy what 4kb of RAM looked like in the 1940's.

Kyle Erickson
2 months ago - 114 likes

I know a bunch of you have been wanting these wallpapers, so I finally got around to putting them in a pack! Hope you enjoy them!

Kyle Erickson
3 months ago - 72 likes

Ordered up and ready to dig into this over the next week! Anything you wanna know about the M3 Air?

Kyle Erickson
3 months ago - 36 likes

I’m curious how many of you might be interested in a Discord server — I tried this once before but the channel was likely a little too small, and it didn’t work out but I’ve been thinking about revisiting the idea. Probably do some BTS, live editing, video chats, etc. Drop a comment and let me know!

Kyle Erickson
5 months ago - 75 likes

I know a lot of you ask about my wallpapers, so I've been working on the ones you see in my thumbnails for the past couple of days getting them ready to put out into the world! Just putting the final touches on some things... stay tuned. EDIT: Pack is now live!

Kyle Erickson
5 months ago - 154 likes

Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for supporting the channel. We crossed over 50,000 subs the other day, which I’m super grateful for.

I’m taking a few weeks off starting this weekend, but I’ve got a couple videos dropping I’ve scheduled at the normal weekly time.

Hope you all have a great holiday season, and I can’t wait to come back recharged and ready to go for 2024!

Dropping a picture of the setup as it currently stands, because it’ll probably look a lot different in the new year

Kyle Erickson
6 months ago - 130 likes

Hey folks! I had something really great planned for the channel this week but unfortunately we had some technical difficulties with the retro gear I'd been planning on talking about, so plan B is in affect — I'll try to have something ready, but in the event that I don't, that's why! I did happen to snag these photos as a consolidation prize at least!

Kyle Erickson
7 months ago - 72 likes

Space Black should make it's arrival on the channel in a couple weeks 🚀

Kyle Erickson
8 months ago - 13 likes

I’m thinking of buying a Pixel 8 just to see if I’m morally opposed to how it takes/edits photos 😂. Should I?