Gameplay of Virtual Pinball , Vpx, Future Pinball, Fx3 using Pinup Popper front end . Just for fun.
Original Williams Millionaire cab 1987 which was an empty cab up in Scotland which I saved.
Pc specs are….
2 screens at 1080p b2s and dmd 60hz
1 screen playfield at 4k 60hz
Nvidia GTX 1660 super 6gb oc
I5 processor
32gb ram
1tb ssd
Arnoz Kl Shield
Led matrix and side leds
Plunger plus Arnoz board
Always improving the cabinet as and when I can afford.
Thanks to nailbuster for pinup popper and the creators of the tables , pup packs, b2s etc etc and of course the VPNation gang who always help me out.