MJJJusticeProject is a global coalition of the world's citizens. We urge you to join our campaign in perpetuating the true legacy of this great and gentle person. His legacy of love, charity and universal brotherhood and his stance on helping Mother Earth, should be represented and proclaimed loudly within the press corp.
SUBSCRIBE TO mjjjusticeproject.wordpress.com/about/ MJJJusticeProject@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE this is NOT a Hoax forum We ONLY want to concentrate on the correcting Media bias. We need your ideas, opinions, and input on how to better serve our beloved MJ. We want to make a difference- We want to make it right!
"I have been strengthened in my fight to prove my innocence by my faith in God, and by the knowledge that I am not fighting this battle alone, together we will see this thing through..... " - Michael Jackson
Join MJJJusticeProject !! Because