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Mrs. Realistic

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I'm just a 70's kid raising my own kids, making Kombucha and

Mrs. Realistic
11 months ago - 169 likes

Caveman is home from the hospital!!! I wanted to thank you all for your posts and prayers! His platelets are normal, liver, kidneys, spleen all normal. Brain MRI, CT scans are all clear. Everything came back negative except for mono/epstein barr. They don't know if it was a recent exposure or something that was just dormant since he was in his teens or 20's. 🤷‍♀️ The results of the bone marrow biopsy won't be back until at least Monday, but probably longer. Altho 3 of the doctors don't think it'll show anything because people who have HLH don't recover after a week like my husband did. The hematologist said she doesn't normally bring up religion, but this was "a God thing".🙌 He's still very tired, but they said he'll be able to get back to his normal life in a couple of weeks. He gets winded from simple stuff like getting up to have a shower, so we'll get back to normal slowly. Good bless all of you. ❤

Mrs. Realistic
11 months ago - 262 likes

Can you all please keep my husband Caveman in your prayers. He's in the ICU with a yet to be discovered infection. The kids and I were with him all day until about 8 this evening but as of tomorrow the administrators will all be there and we won't all be able to be in the room together because of ICU "visitor rules". He's got very low platelets, liver and kidneys are not functioning properly and he's totally out of it and loopy, doesn't know the month or the year and blurting out random nonsense. They've ordered every test known to man it seems and have him on about 5 different IV antibiotics. I don't know that I'll be getting any sleep tonight not being with him. Thank you for any extra prayers.