My name is Wayne Rogers. I run a #heating and #plumbing company in South Wales.
I started plumbing late in life, around 2005. After being made redundant as a mechanical engineer, i decided to #retrain and run my #ownbusiness.
In september 2019, just before #covid, i made the big decision to go back to college at the age of 45. Juggling running a business and being a #singledad.
I completed my level 2, level 3 in plumbing, g3, level 3 gas, #lpg,#airsource and #groundsource qualifications.
Any videos i post are intended to show you a snapshot of my journey as a #plumbing and #heating #engineer. Hopefully you may you may find them usefull. I will try to post #tips and #advice for any new or currently studying heating and plumbing engineers.Remember, you MUST be #GASSAFE registered to work on gas and gas appliances.
If you have any questions, whether it be gas related or about college and studying and preparing for exams and assessments, please get in touch.